
From the perspective of the RWA project side, let’s talk about the real pitfalls encountered in the RWA project.

RWA 项目坑多,发车请注意~ 撰文:inpower 王骏 RWA 是通过区块链技术将真实世界资产(Real World Assets) 代币...

Hifi Finance: HIFI token trading trends and contract data interpretation

HIFI 代币交易活跃,24 小时交易量在 upbit 交易排名前五,合约持仓数据有显著增长,并且与市值占比较高。 撰文:...

A quick look at Particle Network’s full-chain account abstraction: motivation, basic composition and future plans

Particle 正式发布全链账户抽象基础架构。 撰文:Peter Pan & Vijay Singh,Particle Network 编译:Peng SU...

The "death wave" is coming, take stock of seven ways to die in Web3 projects

对于多数宣告死亡的项目,资金不足是最主要、也是最直接的原因,其它原因还包括产品缺乏市场契合度、监管政策趋严等。 ...

Behind CAKE's surge: Liquidity optimization and token deflation, multi-chain strategy has achieved initial results

面对横盘的市场,PancakeSwap 从 2023 年第一季度到第二季度将其总交易量增长了 77%。 撰写:CMC Research 编译...

Exclusive launch of Seagull: A comparison of OKX’s 4 major structured products

OKX 宣布正式推出海鸥,成行业首家推出该结构化产品的交易所。 不同人将金融戏谑为不同的模样。 没有硝烟的货币...

Eliminating the Web3 barrier: A guide to designing crypto games for progressive onboarding

Web3 应该专注于让用户迅速尝试产品,以简单的格式,同时立即将成功的互动与进展相链接。 撰写:Will Robinson ...

The competition for Web3 wallets intensifies. How to find new opportunities in a saturated market?

本文提出三个框小白导航架,以了解 Web3 钱包的业务和战略定位。 撰写:MICHAELLWY 编译:小白导航 coderworld ...

OKX Web3 Wallet has 7 popular features, have you used them all?

多链无感切换,让交易变得像 CEX 一样简单。 钱包是探索 Web3 世界的第一站,是集支付、交易、交互的统一体,也是...

Data behind BTC's rise: supply is becoming increasingly tight, and long-term holders are clearly willing to hoard coins

尽管今年价格表现强劲,比特币仍被长期持有。 撰写:Glassnode,UkuriaOC 编译:小白导航 coderworld 比特币供...
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