
Reading Base Chain in Numbers: Consumer-level applications emerge, which projects are worth paying attention to besides the Meme craze?

本文探讨了Base的成长故事及其对链上应用未来的愿景。 作者:Pillarbear & ISKRA 编译:小白导航coderworld ...

Crypto Market Outlook for June: The best betas for ETH are those with ETH in their names

6 月同样是空投大月,需要注意一下风险。 作者:雨中狂睡 大家好,六月展望来了。 在月度内容中,在做加法足...

BWB landed on Bitget's first Launchpad in 2024, which may create the most dazzling wealth-making effect this year

Bitget Wallet连接整个Web3生态。 作者:Coinof Bitget官方已经正式发布消息,BWB(Bitget Wallet)已于6 月 1 日...

Vitalik's latest article: Reflections on the Bitcoin Block Size War

大区块派在中心问题上是对的,即区块需要更大,最好通过中本聪描述的简单干净的硬分叉来实现。 作者:Vitalik But...

从钱包到生态平台:Bitget Launchpad 上线 BWB 全方位解析

本文将介绍 Bitget Wallet产品、生态及 BWB 代币经济学,并浅谈其市场竞争力和未来发展潜力。 作者:Kazmin 最近...

Mind Network Chinese AMA Review: Ecological Catalyst: The Second Half of Restaking

Mind Network is the first fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) restaking layer for AI and Proof of Stake (POS) networks. On the evening of May 28, the first FHE-based...

The coin is about to be issued, a comprehensive interpretation of AO's technical principles and ecological potential

本文将主要介绍AO技术原理和相关生态。 作者:Charlotte, Kevin; Metrics Ventures 1 存储起家,AO助力Arweave重...

1kx Research Report: Evaluating the cost of node operators is the key to the DePIN project

The DePIN founding team must help node operators optimize costs. Author: 1kx Compiler: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Content Summary Key Points ...

Bitget Research Institute: LUNA rose in the short term due to the settlement with the SEC, and the BTC inscription ecosystem rose generally

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

From Token to PointFi: Continuous Optimization and Exploration of Web3 User Incentives

积分制度在实施过程中面临诸多挑战,但通过不断优化和创新,Web3 项目方有望找到更为高效和公平的激励方式。 撰文...
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