
Kontos Protocol: Revolutionizing blockchain usability through innovative chain abstraction technology

Kontos协议的核心思想简单却强大:用户应该能够与各种区块链进行交互,而无需了解每个独立网络的复杂性。 在快...

Vitalik's new article: Don't decide your political stance just because someone "supports cryptocurrencies"

不要仅仅支持加密货币本身,而是支持那些深层次的目标及其所带来的政策影响。 作者:Vitalik Buterin 编译:小白...

Bitget 研究院:比特币持续上涨突破 66000 美元,Meme 板块财富效应显著

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

Cycle Capital: Key recent narrative developments in SATS and Unisats

本文将回顾与梳理 SATS 的变化。 撰文:Alfred @gametorich 7 月 5 日 BTC 触底反弹以来,SATS 上涨幅度超过 200...

Insights Data Issue 06 | OKX Web3 & Nansen: Nine data hurdles for beginners to get started with Web3

聚焦入门用户普遍面临的基础问题。 摘要:在加密货币市场,数据一直是人们作出交易决策时的重要抓手。我们该如何...

When Blast changed its name to a full-stack chain instead of L2, “fitting Ethereum” gradually became a meme…

最初的口号和叙事,永远只是手段,而不是目的。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 几周前随着 Blast 发完空投,大家...

Chinese KOL interview with Sui co-founder Adeniyi Abiodun: We are not worried about competition from other chains

Adeniyi Abiodun, along with two Asian KOLs, shared comprehensive insights on Sui Blockchain and the entire crypto ecosystem. Full blog: https:...

Binance leads the investment in dappOS with a valuation of 300 million US dollars. The fourth phase of interactive SOFA airdrops, 1 fish 3 meals

交互SOFA同时交互DappOS,闲置资金存入SOFA获得高额收益并瓜分SOFA项目33%的 $RCH 空投,还可以获得最高7万U的活动激励。 ...

多个项目空投日期跳票,「杀疯」了的头部点赚游戏项目 TGE 成迷?

空投就成了「千万用户」眼下最为关切的事情,也是这些项目方们需要面临的「老大难」问题。 撰文:Zen,PANews 7 ...


韩国加密市场呈现出一种既有强劲普通用户投资又面临监管挑战的复杂局面。 作者:Min Jung 编译:小白导航coderwo...
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