Web3 安全入门避坑指南:钱包被恶意多签风险
本期我们将以 TRON 钱包为例,讲解多签钓鱼的相关知识。 撰文:慢雾安全团队 背景 在上一期 Web3 安全入门避坑...
Trump has made Polymarket popular. What are the benefits of the crypto prediction market?
从 Polymarket 看加密预测市场的未来发展。 撰文:Daniel Li 近年来,加密预测平台作为区块链行业的一股新兴力...
Coinbase accelerates entry into RWA to increase revenue? Its asset management company may jointly launch a tokenized money market fund
继贝莱德、摩根大通和富兰克林邓普顿等传统金融巨头躬身入局,加密巨兽 Coinbase 也被曝计划提出代币化货币市场基金,加速进军 RWA 领域。 ...
Solana releases new technologies one after another. What is the difference between "Solana 2.0"?
Solana 二季度表现强势,推动其发展的有哪些原因? 撰文:比推 Asher Zhang Solana 接连发布了 Actions、Blinks ...
12 Most Important Cryptocurrencies to Watch in July 2024
本文分析了 200 种顶尖加密货币,筛选出了最具投资价值的十几种。 撰文:Jon Nielsen,coincodex 编译:火星财经...
Bitget Research Institute: The sharp drop in US stocks has led to panic selling of crypto assets, and the market may see adjustments in the short term
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
马来西亚区块链周盛会在即,CoinEx Wallet 邀您共襄盛举
此次MBW 2024汇聚了全球区块链领域的顶尖企业和业内人士,CoinEx Wallet将作为金牌赞助商参与。 区块链技术在过...
Degen compulsory course: formulate an exit plan and reallocate positions
如果你不认真对待这个市场,市场也不会认真对待你。 作者:DUO NINE⚡YCC 编译:小白导航coderworld 市场大涨,...
7 potential narratives worth watching in the second half of 2024
是时候关注今年剩余时间和 2025 年初的新催化剂了。 作者:Pink Brains 编译:小白导航coderworld 2024 年上半...
Cryptocurrency changes: Multiple sets of data reveal Bitget's six-year "explosive reform"
多组数据均表明,日新月异的加密世界,Bitget这家后起之秀以激进扩张的姿态撬动着CEX市场格局。 作者:Nancy,PAN...