Aptos Chain Report: Daily transaction volume reached 326 million, TVL increased by nearly 300%
Get an in-depth look at Aptos user trends, covering the DeFi and consumer sectors on the chain, and explore emerging protocols being built on the network through data analysis.
Why do we say that Web3 is not far from Mass Adoption?
The popularity of Web3 finance is still a testament to the compliance and PayFi tracks that the traditional financial industry is promoting. Written by: JamesX Why do I say that Web3 is close to MassAdop...
Crypto dreams shattered? Why are more and more people quietly leaving the market?
我很清楚,这种帖子通常会被交易员视为“底部信号”。 作者:Travis Kling 编译:小白导航coderworld 在经历了一...
Crypto Morning News: Ethereum Foundation has sufficient funds to last for 10 years, Bybit will launch Catizen
以小白导航太坊转向 POS 两周年,同期表现落后比特币 44%。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市场动态 昨日美国...
Forbes interviews Grayscale research director: This rate cut is different from the past, and Bitcoin has a promising future
在软着陆的背景下降息,会弱化美元,提振比特币。 撰文:Steven Ehrlich,福布斯 编译:Luffy,Foresight News ...
Has Bitcoin reached the bottom? Miner indicators reveal key market signals
本文将带大家以矿工角度分析,使用三种指标,分别是矿工关机价、矿工转帐至交易所以及交易所余额,以此辅助判断当前市场比特币价格位阶。 ...
Intent asset — the entry point for large-scale application of Web3 assets
Intent 资产借助 dappOS 执行网络,将普通或意图资产转化为预期结果,复杂结算由服务商完成。 作者: Mike @Foresi...
Bitget 研究院:市场情绪持续低落,Grass 空投发币
过去 24 小时,市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题,很可能它们就是下一个造富机会。 摘要 加密市场持续萎靡持续...
增长黑客,Web3 的创业圣杯|BeWater 增长训练营 II
BeWater 增长训练营第二期将于 9 月 20 日至 21 日在新加坡举办。 你不是在增长,就是在消亡,这句话可谓 Web3 ...
考虑到当前市场的复杂性,以及美联储可能采取的降息措施,9月的市场走势可能会更加剧烈且不可预测。 一、市场背景...