Bitget Research Institute Weekly News: BRC20 sector continues to be strong, BGB rises against the trend and breaks the historical high
聚焦链上数据,每周要闻盘点。 过去一周(11.13-11.17),市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题。 1.市场焦点 Marke...
NFT & ERC-6551: A rising star shines again
本文将分析当下 NFT 市场概况,挖掘生态中的最新的发展,并探讨可能面临的挑战和未来前景。 撰文:Bing Ventures ...
Spacemesh: Everyone can participate in hard disk mining, claiming to be the currency of the people
无需许可、无需特定机器、低门槛,任何人都可以参与挖矿是 Spacemesh 最大的特色所在。 撰写:小白导航 coderworl...
From third-tier exchanges to Binance contracts, the mining coin gold mining "production line" behind KAS
The launch of KAS contracts on Binance marks the first time that this "hidden production line" has opened up the "value discovery path" from third-tier "PoW exchanges" to mainstream trading platforms. ...
Alliance DAO: Essential Traits to Become a Great Crypto Founder
正直、智慧和精力,如果你没有第一种,另外两种就会害了你。 撰写:Qiao Wang 编译:小白导航 coderworld 我...
MT Capital Insight: Application chain migration and economic model updates drive DYDX flywheel growth
dYdX 新推出的早期激励计划、Noble 即将上线的原生 USDC 以及近期二级市场流动性与波动率的大幅提高都会利好 dYdX 基本面的发展。 ...
Inventory of 34 Bitcoin ecosystem projects worth paying attention to
一文了解最新最全的比特币生态项目。 作者:熵时 BTByte 耗时24小时,我整理了全网最新最全的比特币生态项目,...
Backpack: A former FTX executive started his own business again, launching new activities and triggering FOMO in the community (with registration steps)
熬过最艰难的时刻,Backpack开始寻觅新的方向——交易所。 撰写:小白导航 coderworld 牛市充斥着躁动,FTX 和Sola...
There have been many errors in statistics, and the pepe-RGB whitelist has been questioned by the community.
pepe-RGB 是基于 RGB 协议发行的代币,当前被不少社区 KOL 认为是比特币生态中最具潜力的协议之一。 撰文:Sharon...
The BTC ecosystem is full of FOMO. What are the differences between related derivative protocols?
Recognize the underlying evolution logic and potential risks of each narrative, see "clearly" before making a choice. Author: dt X Haotian With the market driven by Bitcoin spot ETF...