
Analysis of the whole chain game: Is it a bubble or a new revolution? Thinking about the core advantages and business model

I hope that in the future, on the road of full-chain games, a new universe will grow in the open ocean. Author: Fred@Dacongfred Navigation Contents This article 1.3 ...

Stablecoin Protocol: Uncovering the Secrets of Ponzi Magic and Bull-Bear Strategy Switching

对于稳定币而言,“熊市维持收益率,牛市增加杠杆” 可能是做稳定币协议的正确路径。 撰文:Kylo@Foresight Venture...

Bitcoin NFT Craze: BitFrog and Friends

越来越多的用户涌入BRC-20,推动Bitcoin NFT市场交易量和费用不断攀升。 撰文:defioasis,吴说区块链 *注:本文...

TRON: Crypto industry technology neutrality should not be politicized, decentralization is still an important direction

整体来看,波场TRON和USDT由于自身的一些优势,存在被第三方利用的可能性,因而无辜躺枪。 近日,在币安和其创始...

Web3 Gaming Platform Portal Airdrop Participation Guide

根据Portal的愿景,$PORTAL将会成为Portal所链接的所有链上游戏的通用代币。 撰稿:Cookie、Joyce、BlockBeats ...

Blast’s TVL exceeded 600 million in 9 days, the rational thinking behind the madness

此次事件如从营销角度来看无疑是一场强技术Layer2与强共识Layer2的市场之争。 作者:YBB Capital Researcher Ac-C...

The Dawn of a New Era: From EVM to Modular Blockchains

脱离 EVM 的巨大转变从未如此接近。 撰写:TheRollup 编译:小白导航coderworld 各位: 我们正处于模块化区块...

Former Coinbase CTO Balaji AMA transcript: Internet countries will reshape global politics, and research in the field of longevity is most anticipated

加密货币已经在全球范围内实现了去中心化,而且这一趋势自 2021 年以来一直在加速。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld ...

An article analyzing DA and historical data layer design

The functions of blockchain are becoming more and more complex, which brings greater demand for storage space. Author: Jerry Luo, Kernel Ventures TL;DR Early public chains need...

RWA + gaming: Will it be the engine of this bull market?

As the most important functional and scenario-based application track of blockchain technology, games are naturally likely to become a bridge connecting blockchain technology and RWA. Author: Gua...
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