Interpretation of Binance's latest Launchpad project Sleepless AI: Combining AI + Crypto, Web3's first female-oriented game
HIM 的目标是通过 AI 男友,AI 女友和 AI 宠物,建立一个二次元虚拟人宇宙,为人们提供力量和陪伴。 撰文:Yihan ...
The soaring ATOM and the small crocodile NFT, this article will show you how to play with the Atomicals ecosystem
比特币生态中的「技术清真派」Atomicals 社区,有哪些「天体物理学」资产可以埋伏? 撰文:Jaleel、Luccy,BlockB...
Paxos joins hands with Solana ecosystem, is USDP in its prime?
或许是第 N 次稳定币战争的开端。 撰文:Loopy,Odaily 星球日报 近日, Paxos 的一则监管进展引发了我们的关注...
Upgrade acceleration? Unlock expiration? Why did the Polkadot ecosystem soar collectively?
无论如何,曾被寄予无限期望的 Polkadot 似乎正在迎来一个再次自我介绍的机会。 撰文:Azuma,Odaily 星球日报 ...
Waterdrop Capital Dashan: The beginning of the blockchain world is Bitcoin, and the end is the Bitcoin ecosystem
比特币生态概况、区块链技术演进路线、闪电网络、Nostr 协议等全面解读。 编辑:博文,白露会客厅 12 月 20 日,...
2023 Collection of Anxious Moments: A hundred times a thousand times everywhere, you must be free, right?
Facing the story of getting rich overnight, today, let's maximize our anxiety! Written by: Frank, Foresight News "Getting rich overnight" has always been a strange word in the crypto industry...
The price rose by more than 190% in a week. What are the potential projects worthy of attention in the Metis ecosystem?
百倍币 METIS 又回来了? 撰文:Kaori 近日,诞生于上个周期的 Layer 2 项目 Metis 生态热度持续上涨,引发市场...
Cosmos and Layer3, can you only choose one or the other?
The competition between Cosmos and Layer 3 is mainly about how to balance flexibility and performance. Written by Kyle Liu, Bing Ventures Investment...
The concept of Launchpad has gained popularity as soon as it hit the market. Is the golden shovel the best narrative at the moment?
回看过去十年,能够贯穿时间线始末的创新仅有层出不穷的代币分发方式。 撰文:Azuma,Odaily 星球日报 「金铲子...
Will 2024 be a big year for DePIN?
DePIN 是一个既可以「新瓶装旧酒」,又可以完全突破产业边界的想象力赛道。 撰文:MIIX 如果问 2023 年加密世界...