「刻舟求剑」Starknet,来看看你是否符合 zkSync 空投标准
本文模拟了 zkSync 上前 50 万个地址的分布情况。 撰文:TrustaLabs 编译:Frank,Foresight News 截止目前,在...
Viewpoint: Web3 projects should not keep their own "safety cushions", maximizing team interests will not go far
一个项目,到底需要什么?很简单,需要近乎邪教般的社区。 作者:0xTodd Renzo 之前只给 $ezETH holders 很小比...
Full text of He Yizhi's letter to the US judge: What is a more authentic Changpeng Zhao like?
今天,是责任感让他选择面对庭审,但他绝对不应该和那些邪恶的杀人、抢劫、欺诈的人视作同类。 注:4月24日,美国...
Can AI become a new narrative for established public chains? An inventory of 7 public chains combined with AI
即便是与 AI 结合,老牌公链们似乎也较少表现出活力和决心,在蹭热度和真干事的边界上摇摆。 撰文:Frank,PANews...
Ocean Protocol: A decentralized data trading platform
Ocean Protocol 的核心目标是解决用户数据流通和价值释放的难题。 撰文:茶馆小二儿 1. 项目简介 Ocean Protoco...
Bitget Research Institute: Bitcoin fluctuates in a narrow range, and the MEME sector is the first to rise
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
Fansland Web3 音乐节是Fansland生态中一次大胆的尝试,它旨在打造全球最大的Web3音乐节,将Web3的应用从虚拟世界拓展到现实生活中。 ...
Token2049 Prelude: Dubai Web3 Gaming Grand Party Concludes Successfully
活动中,Dubai Grand Party特邀来自行业内各大领先机构的资深大咖们为现场来宾带来了多场精彩演讲、重磅合作官宣以及3场深刻的行业圆桌。 ...
The popularity of Runes is a setback in the development of encryption technology, but it is also the best embodiment of the core value of Web3
围绕数字资产的创新将继续成为Web3的核心驱动力。 作者:@Web3Mario 引言:昨日偶然间从朋友处得知其在BTC铭文...
Andy Li, Director of Business Development at Qualcomm: AI is not a “winner takes all” game, and Web3 is not a “monster”
高通在 Web3 中的角色是赋能者,我们希望客户能用高通的技术与产品,在法律与道德的框架内,做出有利于社会进步与发展的产品。 ...