
Analysis report of 2 million airdrop addresses: Only 25% tokens rose after airdrop, and widespread airdrops led to a 2-fold increase in sellers

空投规模对价格表现或波动性没有显著影响,“低流通量”可能不是价格波动的主要驱动因素。 小白导航 作者:MUSTAFA ...

Chinese Crypto Market Research Questionnaire: From Trading Habits to MBTI, Let Us Understand the Real Market Users (Participation Award)

大家都想赚到多少钱「退休」? 亲爱的加密爱好者: 你是否对一些问题感到好奇,比如: 加密市场投资者主要在...

0 Cost Awareness Improvement + 0 Airdrop: Academic Labs Second Round of Airdrop Launches, AMA Analyzes AI and Opens a New Era in Education

As a pioneer in deeply integrating cutting-edge technology with education, what innovative actions will Academic Labs take next? As the crypto market is booming,...

Decoding the Korean crypto market: Upbit has the second largest trading volume in the world, and young people are more enthusiastic about crypto than stocks

以数据揭示韩国加密货币社区的发展趋势。 撰文:DeSpread 1. 导言 1.1. 社区的重要性 加密货币项目的社区不...

Bitget Research Institute: zkSync plans to issue airdrops in mid-June, PEPE hits a record high

过去 24 小时,市场出现了不少新的热门币种和话题,很可能它们就是下一个造富机会。 摘要 昨日乐观情绪继续升温...

Arweave: Pay once, save forever

随着区块链技术和去中心化存储需求的不断增长,Arweave 有望在未来成为这一领域的领导者。 撰文:链茶馆 1. 项目...

Dialogue between Bitlayer, CKB and Bool Network (Part 2): Views on BTC Ecosystem Technology Solutions

三位嘉宾畅谈比特币跨链桥、BitVM、闪电网络和 RGB 与 RGB++。 主持人:Jomosis,极客 web3 嘉宾:Kevin He,Co-...

Reflections on Ethereum governance: Why are people unhappy with the EIP-3074 incident?

以太坊的 EIP-3074/EIP-7702 事件揭示了其治理结构的复杂性:除了正式的治理流程外,研究者提出的非正式路线图也拥有巨大影响力。 ...

Exploring Rune Layer2 fragmentation solutions: Is there value in Nekoswap practice?

随着市场情绪的回暖和比特币价格的回升,符文生态能否迎来新一轮的增长红利? 撰文:Oliver、Andy、Howe 1 前言 ...

Variant: Why did we invest in Farcaster?

Farcaster的显著特点是高质量和低噪音的社区氛围。 作者:Jesse Walden & Alana Levin 编译:小白导航coderw...
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