
Solana Memecoin MEW and LOCUS Animation Studio Launch New 3D Animation Series

MEW 旨在通过新的 3D 动画系列成为全球娱乐和零售品牌。 概要 Solana 区块链上的领先猫主题代币 MEW,与 LOCUS...

Vitalik's latest article: L2 is a cultural extension of Ethereum

每一个以太坊 L2 都有一个独特的「灵魂」。 撰文:Vitalik Buterin 编译:Peng Sun,Foresight News 在我最近关...

Is NFT dead? OpenSea CEO predicts the next wave of millions of users

‍尽管 NFT 市场动荡不安,但 Finzer 对其未来仍然保持乐观。 来源:beincrypto 编译:区块链骑士 OpenSea 联合...

Coinlist "tears up" VC coins: the listed FDV is more than 13 times higher than the private placement, and users are certainly unwilling to take it

眼下加密市场已是高 FDV 遍地,尽管交易所为应对社区争议对上币策略上做出调整,但终究「治标不治本」。 撰文:Na...

With L2 coming, will Solana become what it once hated?

Solana 也将迎来 Layer 2,是以太坊 L2 的新瓶旧酒吗? 撰文:Alex Liu,Foresight News Solana 社区一向是批评 ...

Modularization is cooling down? These key developments are brewing changes

未来十年的创新应用将建立在模块化轨道上。 撰文:Andy 编译:Luffy,Foresight News 模块化区块链的浪潮开始成...

ENS v2:重新定义以太坊域名服务?

ENS v2 计划不仅仅是迁移部分协议,还将从头开始重新设计架构。 撰文:0XNATALIE 昨日 ENS Labs 宣布推出 ENS v2...

Exclusive interview with 1kx research partner: FHE is "very close" to large-scale application, and we should pay close attention to the development of the field

1kx 研究合伙人 Wei Dai 认为,虽然全同态加密的整体发展还落后于零知识证明约三到四年,但其潜力巨大。 采访及撰...

Will full decentralization + no permission be Perp’s solution?

衍生品 DEX 赛道目前十分拥挤,但并未出现类似于 DeFi Summer 中 Uniswap 和 Curve 等级别的项目。 撰文:cmdefi ...

Bitget Research Institute: Mt.Gox clearly stated that it would not pay compensation in the short term, causing the market to stop falling and fluctuate in a narrow range

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
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