
LayerPixel: Everything for TON, creating an All in One DeFi solution for the TON ecosystem

LayerPixel aims to provide one-stop DeFi services for Telegram Mini App developers, helping more excellent applications to overcome the technical threshold of "difficult to build" in the TON ecosystem. ...

Trump became a believer in cryptocurrency, starting with the NFT he issued

After deciding to issue NFT, Trump began to spend time studying cryptocurrency. Written by: Olga Kharif, Stephanie Lai, David Pan and Teresa Xie...

Silicon Valley turns right: Peter Thiel, a16z, and crypto’s political ambitions

Just as software is eating the world, Silicon Valley's "Kingmakers" are eating Washington. Written by Jack, BlockBeats The liberal paradise is turning right...

Attention is the core: an overview of the ecological layout of TON, Solana, and Base

In Web3, SocialFi and meme represent the attention economy, and TON, Solana and Base are the best among them. Author: YBB Capital Researcher Z...

Ethereum’s old dream and new reality: Buyers are becoming more institutionalized, reducing expectations for price volatility

The most obvious beneficiaries of the approval of the ETH ETF will be real world assets (RWA) and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. Author: @c0xswain, @0xkinn...

The road to universal computing on Bitcoin: Conceiving STARK to expand Bitcoin

本文将讨论在比特币上实现通用计算的任务及其涉及的各个步骤。 撰文:StarkWare 编译:Starknet 中文社区 1. 引...

From a cyber drug lord to a crypto pioneer: the cleansing and rebirth of a dark web tycoon

36 岁的本索尔正致力于推广他创立两年的新公司 Fathom(x)。 来源:纽约时报 编译:比推 BitpushNews Yanan 布莱...

How credible is Trump’s Bitcoin conference promise?

特朗普真「爱」比特币 or 「逢场作戏」? 撰文:五火球教主 近日,特朗普以顶格嘉宾的身份出席 2024 比特币大会...

解析 Sanctum:Solana 上的质押与再质押(二)

在本篇中,我们将重点关注最近的空投及其结构、Alpha Vault的成功、代币经济学、关键DeFi合作伙伴集成和上市、LSTs的增长及其向Web2的采用。 ...

A must-read for cryptocurrency beginners: 8 ways to earn your first pot of gold from scratch

投资 Memecoin 是一场赌博,但这也是获得 100 倍收益的最简单方法。 作者:Dami-Defi 编译:小白导航coderworld ...
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