Looking at brand reshaping from Galxe and Render: Can old trees bloom new flowers?
在快速发展的区块链领域,品牌重塑不仅仅是表面上的更换 logo 或调整口号,而是企业在战略层面的深度变革小白导航。 ...
Dialogue with Tether CEO: Tether is trying to enter the AI field, and auditing is still a high priority
Tether 最迫切的关注点是将去中心化的加密理念,即权力应掌握在多数人手中,而非少数人手中。 作者:JOEL KHALILI...
ServerFi: A new symbiotic relationship between games and players
来自耶鲁大学对于 GameFi 的新理解。 小白导航 作者:Pavun Shetty 编译:菠菜菠菜|bocaibocai 前言 菠菜在链...
a16z: Token rights in investment terms, how to avoid predatory transactions?
创始人应注意避免向投资者授予固定的、不可稀释的代币权益或不可持续的网络百分比。 作者:Miles Jennings,Josep...
Web3奇幻游戏Chibi Clash ($CLASH)即将TGE,多个看点值得关注
Chibi Clash将于8月14日展开期待已久的游戏代币$CLASH的TGE(代币生成活动)。 作者:Weilin,PANews 过去几个...
OKX Exchange Compliance Storm: Tornado Cash-related accounts are cleared, how should users respond?
任何在Tornado Cash和OKX之间进行转账行为都会触发账户清退。 撰文:刘红林律师,曼昆律师事务所 8月9日,OKX官...
促进融资是加密货币的核心功能之一。 撰文:Jesse Zheng 、Willie Shi 、Yue Wang、李国权 本文深入分析了加密货...
Pepe, Bonk and Floki: Which Memecoin Can Replace Dogecoin?
狗狗币继续稳居模因币之首,但 Pepe、Bonk 和 Floki 等新兴竞争者正在崛起,挑战其霸主地位。 撰文:Lahari 翻译...
WBTC caught in custody controversy: Justin Sun joins BitGo and "retires", the largest acceptor MakerDAO takes the lead in "protest"
「我个人参与 WBTC 完全是出于战略考虑。我不控制 WBTC 储备的私钥,也无法移动任何比特币储备。」 撰文:Nancy,...
Bitget 研究院:历史上多次 gas 冰点与中期价格低点重合,如发生二次下探可分批抄底
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...