
OKX President Hong: Singapore trip and future development


Crypto Morning News: Bitfinex report says Bitcoin bottom may be between $40,000 and $50,000, DeFi protocol fees fell by 24% month-on-month in August

Arthur Hayes:RRP利率高于短期国债或致比特币下跌10%。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 周末市场动态 Bitfinex报告...

Nubit releases Minichain solution, opening a new era of seamless integration of Web2 and Web3

Nubit,架起无缝联通 Web2 和 Web3 的桥梁。 作者:Nubit 9 月 2 日,Nubit 小白导航发布致社区的一封信,正式官...

Web3 Social Myth: Not understanding the difference between social and community, and the disastrous X to Earn model

这是 Whistle 的第 16 篇文章,讨论 Web3 Social 赛道以及货币化的局限性。 撰文:北辰 Web3 行业在过去一年里...

Awakening Bitcoin's dormant liquidity, why should you pay attention to Babylon?

预计Babylon Chain的TVL将在232天内增长2047%,可能为其价值增加13亿美元。 作者:LSTMaximalist 编译:小白导航...

Guessing several potential directions and goals for the development of blockchain in the next five years

未来的主旋律应是稳定币的崛起、现有资产的上链和隐私保护的深化。 撰文:黄世亮 最近区块链行业有点低迷,价格...

OKX SG CEO Gracie: Starting the journey of building the Singapore market

新加坡在采用加密小白导航方面发挥了重要作用,相信OKX有能力以安全无缝的方式将新加坡客户与链上世界连接起来。 ...

Interactive Tutorial: Sony L2 Network Soneium Testnet

Soneium是索尼区块解决方案实验室开发的公共以太坊第二层区块链生态系统,旨在连接Web3和Web2,为全球用户提供强大的开发环境。 ...

US judge rejects SEC's securities determination on BNB: the legal logic of the court's decision and the compliance path for Web3 practitioners

SE小白导航C 指控币安及相关方违反了《证券法》和《证券交易法》的多项规定,具体包括未经注册发行和销售加密资产、运营未经注册的加密货币交易平台、以及向...

Selling millions of dollars of ETH for personal gain? Ethereum founder responds

‍Vitalik 称,自 2018 年以来,他没有出售任何 ETH 来谋取私利。 来源:zycrypto 编译:区块链骑士 近日,以太...
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