A look at the Bitcoin Layer 2 landscape: Sidechains and Rollups become mainstream, and top projects easily attract tens of millions of dollars
根据 l2.watch 的统计,目前有超过 80 个专注于比特币扩容的 Layer2。 撰文:Weilin,PANews 比特币 Layer2 是为...
TOKEN2049: As the temperature difference grows, the strong get stronger
加密行业的新四大天王诞生,强者愈强,弱者迷茫,马太效应初显。 撰文:周舟,Foresight News 「温差变大了。」...
"Positive" and "negative" in the eyes of trading masters
当降息周期开始后,加密市场等风险市场或会率先受益。 主持人:Joe Zhou,Foresight News Deputy Chief Editor ...
a16z supports: Crypto geeks’ ambition to build a nation through crowdfunding
网络国家不仅希望现有政府屈从于公司,让公司自行其是,还希望用公司取代政府。 撰文:Gabriel Gatehouse 编译...
Aleo mainnet launch: what happened? Miners say they were cheated
主网上线后 Aleo 却未能获得社区的认可,反而在社交媒体上充斥着大量质疑,尤其是来自矿工的声讨。 撰文:Frank,...
Focusing on consumer applications, a quick look at the 10 projects shortlisted for the ETHGlobal Singapore finals
Covering payment, smart WIFI, footprint management, etc. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld The market is picking up, and it is time to pay attention to new projects and trends. ...
Cross-chain bridge on-chain data analysis: The total weekly bridging volume is about 2 billion US dollars, and deBridge has the highest income
除了专用于 USDC 转账的 Circle 的 CCTP 外,没有任何单个桥接占据超过 20% 的总流量,大多数桥接的流量占比在 10% 到 20% 之间。 ...
可参与的项目包括:Morpho、Sunrise、Mantle、Story Protocol、Soneium、Hyperlane等。 作者:Stacy Muur 编译:...
DeFi 成长之道:做人性化社区,好过做 TVL
尽管 TVL 是一个重要的指标,但协议集成的质量和数量往往能更好地预测未来的发展趋势。 作者: James Glasscock ...
Nirvana Finance Reboot: How the First Hacker Convicted of a Smart Contract Attack Was Arrested
对于DApp开发者来说,资金安全都是必须要着重考虑的维度。 作者:@Web3Mario 摘要:上周真是大事不少,美联储相...