
In-depth analysis of 62 airdrops in 2024: 88%’s price has fallen, most of them collapsed within 15 days

空投的成功不仅仅取决于分配规模,FDV、流动性、社区参与和叙事都很重要。 撰文:Keyrock,加密做市商 编译:Fel...

The largest airdrop in history only made an average of $3 for each user. Who is winning the game of Hamster Kombat?

Hamster Kombat 创造了迄今最大的空投用户规模,但与其他大型空投之后的结果一样,社区的质疑声音不断。 撰文:Fr...

灰度:深入探究去中心化的 AI 模型市场 Bittensor

Bittensor 是一个通过使用去中心化网络和经济激励来促进开放和全球 AI 系统发展的平台。 撰文:Grayscale 编译:...

OpenAI financing agreement details revealed, Sam Altman receives $10.5 billion worth of equity

OpenAI 最新的融资协议中有一项规定,公司必须在未来两年内转型为完全盈利的实体,否则投资者可以要求退还资金。 ...

Interpreting Binance Pre-Market: Another Declaration of War on High Market Value

Pre-Market 的推出是币安反对高市值的又一次大胆尝试,旨在在开盘前由社区进行定价,从而杜绝项目方对价格的掌控。 ...

Are blockchain games popular again? A look at Off The Grid, the first battle royale game to be released on both PC and consoles

The GUNZ testnet has been running for nearly a year, processing 27 million transactions and accumulating more than 2.2 million registered wallets. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld ...

From lending products to infrastructure: Morpho's journey to financial renaissance

走进 Morpho 的转型之路。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 尽管过去数月 MEME 大行其道,市场对于 DeFi 兴致缺缺,但...

Lumoz's last round of Quidditch testnet has been successfully completed, and the mainnet may be launched in Q4

Lumoz 作为一个全球分布的模块化计算网络,为用户提供强大、安全且灵活的计算平台。 Dear Lumozers, 我们非常...

How do exchanges accommodate “MOODENGs”?

这波Meme流量流向何方,或许市场将逐渐给出答案。 9月,一只憨态可掬的河马 Moo Deng 横扫社交媒体,登上各大媒...

Market Status Analysis: Which Stage of the Bull Market Are We In?

有很多理由让人感到兴奋。 作者:The DeFi Investor 编译:小白导航coderworld 在今天的文章中我们将讨论: ...
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