Tags:Gold Farming

Detailed explanation of Web3 pet training game xPet.Tech: a typical paradigm of game + social

一个成熟度较高的区块链小游戏。 撰文:岳小鱼 宠物养成类游戏在 Web2 时代就曾经风靡一时,比如 QQ 宠物等,...

Sales did not bring Axie Infinity back to the top

Web3游戏想要走出低谷,还得回归游戏本身。 撰文:木沐 Pudgy Penguin(胖企鹅)、Doodles 等蓝筹 NFT 开拓卖周...

KOL fiercely debates GameFi, bull market engine or false demand?

The right choice is to not resist or oppose, but to actively try new games. As the market has recovered in the past 1-2 months, everyone has started to discuss which track has more development potential...


Web3的“人治”与现实主权国家的“人治”有着本质的区别。 作者:Faust,极客web3 导语:Blast面对Polygon zkEVM等正...

Merit Circle is the most worthy alpha for Web2.5 games

Merit Circle是这一赛道较为亮眼,也具有更高投资性价比的项目。 加密市场二级基金Metrics Ventures 链游行研报告...


虽然技术一直在迭代,但是每一轮的周期好像不是因为真正技术上的巨大突破 主持人:Alex Mint Ventures研究合伙人 ...

Gas Hero: StepN team’s new strategy and the future of the GMT ecosystem

玩家的打金收益来源于游戏内各种战斗获得资源,资源售卖为 GMT,再通过变现 GMT 完成获利。 撰文:Snapfingers La...

Bitget Research Weekly News: Bitcoin market share hits a 2-year high of 51%, Scroll officially launched on mainnet

Focus on the chain data and review the weekly news. In the past week (10.16-10.20), many new hot currencies and topics appeared in the market. 1.Market focusMark...

Ethereum's development and upgrade path from the perspective of GameFi

As the pioneer of blockchain games, Ethereum has been leading the development of GameFi. Introduction Recently, GuaTian has often received consultation requests from project parties, asking...

Big Time: The superficial carnival of a few people, the secret war between project owners and exchanges

当链游真的3A化了,主要玩法、参与门槛、利益分配和背后的运作模式真的发生了质变吗? “热闹的是他们,我什么都没...
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