Tags:Gold Farming
The Savage Growth of Web3: Cooking a Feast for Crows
Web3就像一场为乌鸦们准备的宴席,群鸦被资产吸引,以资产为食,因资产而争。 作者:Foresight Ventures 一、用...
HTX Ventures 2023 Year in Review
2024 is coming, and HTX Ventures stands at the forefront of the blockchain and cryptocurrency track change, full of optimism for the future and with a clear vision. Author: H...
On the eve of the explosion of Web3 games? Take stock of the big players that have reached the tens of millions of financing thresholds
本文汇总了约 30 家游戏工作室和 70 多款 Web3 游戏。 撰文:Karen,Foresight News Play-to-Earn 链游 Axie Inf...
Being a player and a shareholder, the multiple values behind L3E7 game NFT
在 L3E7中,NFT不仅是游戏入场券,也是股东权益凭证--持有 NFT 能够分享游戏的收益。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld ...
Waterdrop Capital Dashan: The beginning of the blockchain world is Bitcoin, and the end is the Bitcoin ecosystem
比特币生态概况、区块链技术演进路线、闪电网络、Nostr 协议等全面解读。 编辑:博文,白露会客厅 12 月 20 日,...
The game became popular even before NFT was released. What did Ubisoft do right?
这款游戏不光是为用户提供娱乐价值的,可能还有经济价值。 撰文:木沐 寒冷的冬季,Web3 圈子突然响起「游戏之夏...
Layer2 track research report: Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, zkSync, StarkNet and Linea
从目前来看,EVM 生态的扩容方案最终将从主网走向 Layer2,OP 走向 ZK,Layer2 走向 Layer3,但 Layer2 赛道仍然处于非常早期。 ...
Big Time 会引领加密游戏经济新范式吗?
迭代与更新会是 Bigtime 的长久主题。 撰文:Fiona, IOSG Ventures 特别感谢前 Bigtime 中文区 lead 大诚,Bigti...
IC1101 Multidimensional Metaverse, global closed beta starts on December 12
本次 IC1101 Space 版本将于12.12开始内测,测试时间:12月12日至12月22日(共计10天)。 IC1101以打造全球第一元...
Going deeper into GameFi economics, how is "Fi" reflected in top traditional games?
对于游戏而言,只要开放了交易市场,允许玩家自由买卖,那必然能形成经济生态。 作者: YBB Capital Researcher Ze...