Overview of Autonomous World (AW): The debate between broad and narrow definitions
“自主世界有严格的剧情界限、正式的引入规则,并且不需要特权个人来维持世界的活力”。 我参加了 token2049 并参加...
Slow Mist is a guest at HTX Live: Revealing the risks and prevention of digital asset investment
作为头部加密货币交易平台,火币HTX始终敬畏安全并坚守用户资产神圣不可侵犯的原则,不断提高平台安全性,最大限度地筑牢安全防线。 ...
本文将通过探究 BTC 与黄金的价格影响因素揭开 BTC 是否属于避险资产的面纱。 撰文:Lisa,LD Capital BTC 被喻...
A new journey for digital gold: Bitcoin ecosystem diversification exploration and protocol innovation
本文将为BTC的其他应用程序生态系统做出解析。 作者:@YBBCapitalResearcher Ac-Core 前言 比特币(Bitcoin)的...
The competition to issue cards: the business behind crypto payment cards
为什么发卡业务变得流行起来? 撰文:David 加密支付卡,正在变成一种席卷全行业的业务。 打开推特等社交媒体,...
Interpretation of Vitalik’s blog post: Is the next stop for Web3 infrastructure encapsulation or expansion?
本文将探讨 Web3 基础设施们对于「封装 vs 扩展」的设计取舍,以及个人对公链基础设施该问题上的一些思考。 作者...
Arweave: A new opportunity to reshape the field of cryptocurrency and data storage
Arweave 是数据存储和更广泛的加密货币领域的一个变革性力量。 撰写:PAUL VERADITTAKIT 编译:小白导航 coderwo...
Substance Exchange launches final closed beta before mainnet launch
Substance Exchange是新锐去中心化衍生品交易平台,旨在引领用户的交易行为向去中心化全面迁移。 据官方消息,S...
Podcast notes | Interview with Bitwise executives: Why is a cryptocurrency ETF so important?
The launch of a Bitcoin ETF could also lead to a large influx of funds into the crypto market without affecting other forms of Bitcoin investment. Compiled by: Xiaobai...
Is Eths a Layer 2? Learn about the Ethscriptions Virtual Machine and its positioning in one article
Ethscriptions allows users to share information and perform computations on Ethereum L1 at a lower cost, bypassing the use of smart contracts for storage and execution, and applying deterministic protocol rules to Ethereum call data to compute states. ...