DeSci track status and future prospects
DeSci的发展集中在改进同行评审、资金赞助、知识产权管理,以及提高数据透明度和审查。 TL;DR DeSci与Web3和区块...
Vertex Liquidity Auction Review: Initial Token Liquidity in Place, Incentive Program May Generate Trading Enthusiasm
Vertex不仅希望对现有的DEX构成威胁,还希望对CEX构成威胁。 撰文:Leah Callon-Butler 编译:小白导航coderworl...
Dialogue with Web3's Excellent Security Service Provider: The "Battle of Attack and Defense" of Cloud Security
As we approach the end of 2023, the bull market signals are becoming clearer, the number of Web3 projects deploying cloud servers will increase rapidly, and the role of cloud as the infrastructure layer will become increasingly important. ...
Interpreting Morph: Can it break out from the L2 homogeneous competition by focusing on the integration of consumer scenarios and technology?
本文旨在以技术创新点、生态建设着力点、未来发展规划等角度为出发点,走进 Morph 以及项目所处 Layer 2 赛道的机遇与挑战。 ...
Worldcoin updates World ID 2.0 version, what are the highlights?
不用验证虹膜也可以使用 Worldcoin 了。 撰文:Kaori,BlockBeats 昨晚,Worldcoin 迎来重大协议升级,宣布推出 ...
四大 AI 视频工具「斗法」, 一文教你怎么玩
Pick 一个最适合你的 AI 工具。 撰文:木沐 AI 视频工具赛道越来越卷,各种升级令人应接不暇, 尤其是 Gen-2、Pi...
Vitalik's latest article: Discussing the future and challenges of ZK-EVM
ZK-EVM旨在减少 L2 项目对以太坊协议功能的重复实现,并提高其在验证以太坊区块时的效率。 撰文:Vitalik Buterin...
Explore the next hot track after Bitcoin Inscription: POW Mining Coin
POW 矿币正处在一个潜力巨大的黄金时期? 撰文:Daniel Li 2023 年,最受瞩目的项目之一无疑是比特币铭文。比...
Crypto market 2023 year-end review: looking back at the memorable events of this year
年终总结,看看在过去的每个月里,币圈都有哪些大事发生。 撰文:小岩 编辑:Harry 转眼间,2023 年已经接近尾...
SEC releases "new annex" to put pressure on Binance, "will defend its position"
第三方监察员监督币安在即,将带来哪些影响? 撰文:Weilin 编辑:文刀 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)诉币安案出现...