
How to solve the user experience friction when EVM chain expands Bitcoin?

何不直接把已知 EVM 链组件直接作为比特币 layer2? 撰文:Haotian 由于比特币 layer2 并没有「正统性」标准,目...

Interview with Jeff, founder of SEI: A further V2 version, better ecological development and product experience

V2 是迄今为止对当前Sei区块链的最大更新。 撰文:Ignas 编译:小白导航coderworld 导读 SEI近期成为行业焦点...

Exclusive interview with Bitget's new COO Vugar Usi Zade: Bitget's 2024 and globalization, without boundaries

2023 年成长为「房间里的大象」,如今 2024 开幕,新 COO 掌舵下,Bitget 的边界在哪? 撰文:Frank,Foresight N...

The Power of Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Privacy-Driven Innovation in a Decentralized World

我们只看到了 ZK 技术潜力的冰山一角,其真正的能力远远没有被完全挖掘出来。 撰文:Salus 1. 引言 零知识证明...

The price of UMA rose by more than 2.5 times in 5 days. UMA Lianchuang explains the OEV tool Oval

Oval 在以太坊主网上运行,支持协议将 OEV(Oracle 可提取价值)作为一种收益形式,并为 DeFi 的可持续发展做出贡献。 ...

Does Vertex Protocol (VRTX) still have a chance?

更多的潜在用户意味着更多的手续费分成,而 Vertex 所构建的飞轮也会更好地转下去。 撰文:雨中狂睡 目前 $VRT...

Bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, the storm is coming again: Bitget celebrates the new year "Reviewing 2023, exploring 2024" AMA highlights

1 月 23 日,Meta Era、Bitget 及 Bitget Wallet 携手举办主题为「回顾 2023,探索 2024」的新春 AMA 活动。 整理...

With a valuation of $2 billion, how did the "European version of OpenAI" become the strongest rival of GPT?

‍‍Mistral AI 的崛起,为整个行业带来了更多的创新与突破。 撰文:MetaverseHub 「ChatGPT 像互联网发明一样重要...

CertiK was selected into the Samsung Mobile Security Hall of Fame. Can it lead the trend of Web3.0 companies?

继近期频频获得包括苹果、微博、美团等公司公开致谢后,CertiK 的 Skyfall 团队与安全专家 Dawuge 又双双入选了今日公布的《2023 年三星移动安全名人堂》。 ...

W3Gamez Network: Probably the fastest full-chain gaming layer 2 network

相信随着 W3Gamez Network 的上线,全链游戏将迎来更加蓬勃的发展。 全链游戏(FOCG:Fully On-Chain Gaming)作...
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