
Exploring the decentralized AI computing power protocol Akash Network: Narrative hype and value investment coexist

“在 CryptoAI 的众多细分赛道中,去中心化算力将是同时满足叙事炒作和价值投资的方向。” 撰文:Firehand、Kevin、...

The past, present and future of application chains

人们可以想象一个未来,每个应用程序都有其自己定制的链,满足其特定需求,同时与其他应用程序保持互联。 撰文:N...

The era of Web3 "Rainmaker" is approaching. List of projects selected for the third phase of Foresight X accelerator

In the next bull market, there should be at least 10-15 AI-related projects in the top 100 projects by market value. There is always a saying of "rainmakers" in the investment world...

Interpretation of the current status and six major trends of the national debt RWA project

本篇 Bing Ventures 研究文章将讨论国债 RWA 以及整个 RWA 版块的现状和重要发展趋势。 撰文:Bing Ventures 链...

HTX Ventures: One week after the Ethereum Dencun upgrade, these changes are quietly happening in the Ethereum ecosystem

HTX Ven小白导航tures作为以太坊增长的利益相关方,兴奋于这些新的发展方向。 2024年3月13日,以太坊网络经历了...

A quick look at 8 tokens worth paying attention to on BASE

本文介绍 BASE 上的 8 个较有前景的加密货币。 撰文:Crypto Hub 编译:小白导航coderworld BASE生态系统正在升...

dYdX Chain: From dApp to application chain ecology, the old DeFi wants to create products that are more competitive than CEX

深入解读 dYdX Chain 上线后的发展情况,并分析 dYdX 如何打造最佳的合约交易所。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 引...

Vitalik Taipei talks about Cancun upgrades, quantum threats, AI & Crypto and social

Vitalik认为,升级进展顺利,比以往任何分叉都要好。 整理 & 编译:Karen、Kean,Foresight News 在今日开幕...

Oak Grove Crypto 2024, unlocking new trends in Web3 development in the next five years

Oak Grove Crypto 2024旨在汇聚Web3领域的精英人士,共同探讨和展望行业未来五年的发展趋势。 “Oak Grove Venture...

Music Royalties Distribution in the Blockchain Era

音乐版税分配历来错综复杂,引起人们对公平性和透明度的关注。 撰文:BT Correspondent 编译:链集市 音乐版税...
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