EigenLayer "searches through the dictionary" and finds Intersubjective to replace "social consensus"
还有一堆概念:Work Token、Token Forking、slashing-by-forking 以及 Intersubjective staking。 撰文:ZHIXIONG...
TVL exceeds $3 billion, a quick look at the EVM-compatible ZK Rollup network Zircuit
Zircuit 由获得以太坊基金会多项研究资助的团队打造,并得到 Pantera Capital 和 Dragonfly Capital 的支持。 撰...
From CZ Zhao Changpeng sentenced to 4 months, let’s talk about the legal dilemma of virtual currency exchanges
四个月不长,但是仍有罪。 撰文:刘正要,上海曼昆律师事务所资深律师 美国西雅图联邦法院在当地时间 4 月 30 日...
Cregis Research: Bitcoin Layer2 Track Analysis
本文将介绍比特币早期和近期的 Layer2 项目。 撰文:0xCregis 一、前言 2023 年,比特币铭文为比特币生态带来了...
Aiming at the core of AI, a detailed explanation of Mind Network, a FHE project incubated by Binance
Mind Network是首个基于FHE,为AI和PoS网络设计的再质押解决方案。 密码学的圣杯—— 全同态加密 Fully Homomorphic...
A comprehensive comparison of the MEME coin battlefield between Solana and Base chain, which one has the advantage in deployment cost and capital flow?
The meme history of Solana and Base seems to be like a god coming down the mountain and meeting a man going up the mountain. One has his past self in his eyes, while the other has the hope of achieving his goal. ...
Shinami 在 Aptos 上推出 Gas Credits 计划
小白导航 Shinami 正在将其Gas Station产品带到 Aptos,包括易于使用的 API 和用于跟踪赞助活动的仪表板。 ...
Vitalik: Binius, efficient proofs for binary fields
Binius 是一种基于二进制字段的证明系统,旨在提高密码学证明的效率,特别是与 SNARK 和 STARK 相关的证明。 小白导航 ...
CNS mainnet launch, an important catalyst for Cardano ecosystem explosion
With the launch of the CNS mainnet on May 7, 2024, it is expected to usher in a new round of wealth effect for the Cardano ecosystem. “Cardano Connet (CNS) is Cardan...
dappOS: Building Windows for the Web3 Era
dappOS使得执行区块链任务变得像点击Windows系统中的图标一样简单。 作者:Biteye 核心贡献者 Fishery 编辑:Bit...