
Bitget Research Institute: Mainstream currencies are weak, Celsius continues to rise due to token destruction

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

Everything You Need to Know About Pump.Fun (with a Tutorial on How to Identify Projects)

On Pump.Fun, unlike other places, the earlier I enter a currency, the larger my position will be. Written by: Hermes Compiled by: Xiaobai Navigation coderworl...

Stacking DAO V2, providing solutions to new challenges brought by Nakamoto upgrade

The Nakamoto upgrade marks a transformational era for the Stacks ecosystem. The highly anticipated Nakamoto upgrade will revolutionize the Stacks...

深入 Saga:专为游戏行业量身定制的模块化 Layer1 平台

在不到两年的时间里,Saga成功吸引了350个项目,其中80%专注于游戏行业。 撰文:Greythorn 项目名称:Saga 项...

币安 CEO 亲笔长文:尼日利亚高管沦为“阶下囚”,到底发生了什么?

奈拉贬值、经济危机……都被尼日利亚算在了币安的头上。 作者:Richard Teng 编译:Odaily 星球日报 Azuma 如你所...

「新 Luna」,Berachain 如何带动新一轮 DeFi 热潮?

围绕 Berachain 的整个飞轮将继续运转。 撰文:hitesh.eth 编译:Luccy,BlockBeats 编者按: Berachain 是一...

USDe: A Solution to the Stablecoin Trilemma? Or a Profitable Hedge Fund Model?

USDe 力求提供可扩展的去中心化稳定币,但其稳定性保障和长期运行模式优于以前,不过仍需市场观察。 撰文:Tiena ...

OpenAI 泄密者,投奔马斯克

除了 Pavel Izmailov ,不少优秀人才近期都被马斯克揽入麾下。 撰文:白交、衡宇、发自、凹非寺 来源:量子位 ...

The neglected area of modularity: execution, settlement and aggregation layers

The modular stack is not just about DA and the sorting layer. Written by Bridget Harris Translated by Luffy, Foresight News In terms of attention and innovation...

The only art app "broke the appointment", and the digital collection market cannot escape the stock competition

只能继续创新 IP 和玩法。 撰文:木沐 就在人们认为国内数藏留下一地鸡毛、彻底凉凉之时,数藏平台唯一艺术宣布...
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