Franklin Templeton:加密货币质押还是不质押?
尽管质押能带来一定收益,对冲通胀,但加密货币交易仍存在一些固有风险。 撰文:Franklin Templeton(富兰克林邓...
OrangeLayer: A new staking platform that brings Bitcoin security to the Ethereum ecosystem
OrangeLayer 的创建是为了应对为智能合约以外的基础设施建立经济安全的挑战。 作者:Three Sigma 编译:小白导航...
Wall Street’s new alliance with Washington is driving crypto markets to all-time highs
华尔街不会坐视Tether赚得比高盛还多。 作者:Matt小白导航 Hougan 编译:小白导航coderworld 本周,SEC将决定...
To earn more money by working more jobs, Ethereum researchers are "restaking" themselves
酬劳数百万美金 EIGEN 代币?以太坊基金会研究员的第三方「顾问」职位引巨大争议。 撰文:Alex Liu,Foresight Ne...
从 ETHLend 到 Aave V4:借贷龙头的生态建成计划
随着 Aave 业务的不断扩展和成熟,在 2024 年市场回暖的背景下,AAVE 的 TVL 和价格均有所提升。 撰文:@Elias201...
The sixth season of TRON Hackathon ended successfully with fruitful results
本届大赛共吸引962支团队参赛,汇聚众多创新型区块链项目,同时彰显出波场网络的深厚实力。 瑞士日内瓦,2024年5...
EigenLayer staking: potential wealth code or hidden risk?
EigenLayer 在重新质押的浪潮中展现了巨大的市场潜力和成长空间。 作者:Biteye 核心贡献者 Fishery 编辑:Bitey...
Bitget Research Institute: ETH ETF approval has turned around, Bitget Wallet opens BWB LaunchPad
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
Detailed explanation of the impact of EIP-3074 on wallets and DApps
EIP-3074 让 EOA 获得和合约一样丰富的执行能力,开启了很多新的应用场景。 撰文:Nic @ imToken Labs EIP-3074 ...
a16z: Porter's Five Forces Framework and the Competitive Advantages of Web3
五力框架描绘了一场拉锯战,但 Web3 看起来更像是一个由协作驱动的网络模型。 撰文:Scott Duke Kominers、Liang ...