
Exclusive interview with Aptos Labs co-founder: Product ease of use does not mean technological leadership, Aptos has always been developer-centric

Aptos 的与众不同在于我们以开发者为中心。 作者:JulianKin & Stoneberri,AptosGlobal 编辑:coderworld小...

Mining currency exchange SafeTrade "ran away" Rashomon, POW currency fell into liquidity crisis

This exchange, which is named as safe, does not seem to be that safe. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld If there is a year-end review, Po...

Plasma + ZK-SNARKs: New ideas for Ethereum expansion

解读 Vitalik 新作,揭秘以太坊的新动向,Plasma 与 ZK-SNARKs 的融合将如何改变游戏规则? 撰文:dt,DODOResear...

Generous prize pool|Huobi HTX launches a series of contract reward activities

火币 HTX 已于 11 月 21 日 20 时启动高倍杠杆 USDT 本位永续合约交易赛。 随着加密市场的不断发展,合约势头凶猛...

Podcast Notes | Conversation with DeFiance founder: How to find 100x cryptocurrency in a bull market?

Arthur 认为非所有解锁事件都是平等的。 编译:小白导航 coderworld 在本期《Crypto Market Wizards》中,Taiki ...

DeFi historical research: DeFi development history before Uniswap

Let's do some archaeology and see what difficult journey DeFi has gone through, and what products and celebrities have made remarkable innovations. Author: 0xKooKo...

Current status of the application layer in the encryption industry: desolate on-chain space and crowded infrastructure

All this scalability will be meaningless if the user demand for the application does not increase by several orders of magnitude. Written by: polynya Compiled by: Xiaobai Dao...

Looking at the evolution and challenges of BTC expansion from the perspective of asset issuance

This article will combine the new normal brought by Ordinals to the BTC ecosystem, look at the current challenges of BTC expansion from the perspective of asset issuance, and finally predict that RGB Taproot Assets with asset issuance + application scenarios has the potential to lead...

MT Capital Research Report: Full Scan of Inscription Track

BRC20 is the most original and first protocol to be listed on the exchange, with the strongest community consensus and fair launch, which has left a very good impression on users. Author: Xinwei TL...

DWF Labs: Leading the DePIN revolution, uncovering value, innovation and overcoming obstacles

本文将深入探讨“DePINs”与现有解决方案相比所提供的独特价值主张。 撰写:DWF Labs Research 编译:小白导航 cod...
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