
Overview of the FHE track: When will the end of Web3 privacy data come?

FHE 面向的是整个互联网体系下的任何隐私数据。 撰文:Peng Sun,Foresight News 这个市场充满着二律背反,隐私...

From bridge liquidity to chain abstraction full-stack framework, what innovations have we seen?

简化用户在多条区块链上交互的技术,链抽象是否将成为加密货币流动性碎片化的最终解决方案? 撰文:IOSG Ventures...

OKX launches cryptocurrency exchange in Australia, offering spot and derivatives trading

OKX is an industry-leading virtual asset exchange and Web3 ecosystem. On May 14, 2024, OKX, a global leading Web3 technology company and virtual asset exchange, announced...

The 2.0 Moment of Blockchain Interoperability: Chain Explosion and Chain Abstraction

对比三大链抽象解决方案的代表项目:NEAR、Particle 和 Polygon。 撰文:ZHIXIONG PAN 虽然这样说可能有些夸张...

Greythorn Monthly Market Research Report: Cryptocurrency market fluctuated significantly in April, and the market's interest in altcoins was low

随着4月的结束,目前BTC处于价格区间的低端,显示出显著的市场弱势,并可能带来更多有趣的发展。 撰文:Greythorn...

Hayes Fund: The Oracle Wars, Why Flare is Undervalued?

「预言机之战」开启,密切关注 Flare。 小白导航 撰文:Maelstrom(Arthur Hayes 的家族办公室) 编译:Felix,PA...

Modular blockchain: The final piece of the Web3 puzzle

模块化区块链的趋势不仅仅是技术上的变革,更是推动整个区块链生态系统迎接未来挑战的重要策略。 撰文:GeekCarte...

KIP Protocol, a newcomer in the AI infrastructure track: value release and efficient circulation of AI assets

KIP Protocol 的生态价值逻辑可以一句话总结为:KnowledgeFi,即知识变现,劳有所得。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld...

Supply is concentrated, L1 is undervalued, and TON is expected to become the next big crypto event

从长远来看,将TON与90亿美元市值的BNB相比是一个合理且现实的目标。 撰文:Potato's Thoughts 编译:小白导航co...

Practical experience: key tips for trading altcoins

在加密世界里,情绪驱动一切。人的心理是不变的,市场模式总是不断重复。 撰文:ardizor,小白导航 加密研究员 编...
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