当我们谈论 EIGEN 时,我们谈些什么?
以问答形式,把关于 EIGEN 的核心问题一网打尽~ 撰文:EigenLayer 编译:Alex Liu,Foresight News 自 EigenLa...
详解 Render Network:链接全球 GPU 能源,引领 3D 渲染新革命
Render 网络处在一个快速发展的市场中,有广阔的增长空间。 撰文:链茶馆 1. 项目简介 Render Network 是一个利...
成为火币HTX Prime 会员,新VIP入驻即享Prime6。 随着比特币现货ETF的通过以及以太坊ETF批准仅差“一步之遥”,加密...
Dialogue with Puffer: How can LRT attract top capital such as Binance Labs and Franklin to invest in it when it is in the process of internal circulation?
致力成为以太坊基础层。 采访者:flowie, kit,ChainCatcher 嘉宾:Amir,Puffer Finance 创始贡献者 编辑:Mar...
Detailed explanation of Sei's parallel execution: the key puzzle to innovate DeFi product experience
Sei is firmly committed to solving scalability challenges through parallel execution, optimized data storage, and future upgrades. Author: DAIC Compiler: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld...
Paradigm New Article: MEV Tax and Prioritization
MEV税机制,允许任何应用程序捕获其 MEV 并保持可组合性。 作者:Dan Robinson,Dave White 编译:Joyce,BlockBe...
2024 Q1 TON DeFi Status: TVL increased 7 times, DEX became active due to the Meme craze
As the DeFi ecosystem on TON grows in complexity, the demand for reliable and secure oracle services will increase. Author: The Open Platform Editor...
梦想是看到比特币达到它需要的规模,不断为每个人服务。 作者:Eli Ben-Sasson 编译:小白导航coderworld Sta...
On-chain liquidity game: the hunt of developers, snipers and traders
金字塔顶端的那些人收获了大部分的回报。 作者:post-goa 编译:小白导航coderworld 根据我的研究,以下是对玩...
Opinion: Crypto projects need to demonstrate meaningful progress and appeal, not just sell dreams
资本和注意力会集中在有用、令人渴望和引人入胜的事物上。 小白导航 作者:Joel John 编译:小白导航coderworld ...