
Meng Yan: The trend of financial technology towards Web3 is irreversible

The only keyword of Web3 is "autonomy", not anything else. Written by: Meng Yan From November 15th to 17th, the 2023 Singapore...

From inscriptions to smart contracts, a complete analysis of the evolution of Bitcoin ecosystem technology

Why not switch to Ethereum instead of doing it all over again on Bitcoin? Because it’s Bitcoin. Author: Cynic, CGV Research Bitcoin...

New trends in the Bitcoin ecosystem: Lightning Network, Ordinal, Atomic, bitVM

The non-Turing complete nature of Bitcoin itself has a great impact on the further expansion of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Author: Beam, Everest Ventures Group ...

Financing Weekly Report: 21 financings raised US$435 million, and established projects disclosed refinancing information

From November 27 to December 3, 7 crypto projects raised more than $5 million. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld According to RootData data, in November...

DeSci Narrative Reignited: Coinbase founder joins the game, which projects are worth paying attention to?

DeSci 和所谓的“长寿”概念成为新的关注点,一个沉寂已久的叙事似乎又回到了聚光灯下。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld...

MT Capital research report: Solana is on the eve of a full-scale ecological explosion

Solana生态用户超过百万,开发者超过2000名,从DeFi到NFT,不断地涌现出新项目。 作者:Xinwei, Ian Wu,MT Capit...

Arthur Hayes: Crypto bull market will come as US dollar liquidity rises

本文深入分析了加密市场的最新动态,以及影响其走势的关键因素,包括政策监管、技术创新、市场参与者行为等。 作...

Why is Amazon launching the Bezos stablecoin?

庞大而忠实的客户群体使亚马逊有可能推出自己的数字货币。 文章作者:RICHARD HOLDEN 文章编译:Block unicorn ...

Bitcoin ecological DApp inventory: DeFi, NFT, infrastructure and wallets are booming

越来越多的项目试图在比特币 Layer1 上构建,本文汇总了当前比特币生态系统中最新的项目。 撰文:Web3CN 与以太...

A quick look at the advantages and development status of 5 new Layer 2 projects

Base、Blast、opBNB、Linea、Scroll 等新晋 Layer2 选手们目前发展如何? 撰文:Day,白话区块链 从发布到突破 6...
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