
Cregis Research: Bitcoin Layer2 Track Analysis

本文将介绍比特币早期和近期的 Layer2 项目。 撰文:0xCregis 一、前言 2023 年,比特币铭文为比特币生态带来了...

Aiming at the core of AI, a detailed explanation of Mind Network, a FHE project incubated by Binance

Mind Network是首个基于FHE,为AI和PoS网络设计的再质押解决方案。 密码学的圣杯—— 全同态加密 Fully Homomorphic...


从韩国、菲律宾到香港和澳大利亚,散户交易者都在以独特的方式押注加密资产。 撰文:Claire Ballentine 编译:Lu...

Bitget Research Institute: BTC spot ETF ends 7 consecutive days of net outflow, AI sector rebounds strongly

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

2024 Q1 Crypto Market Venture Capital Research Report: Project Valuations Are High, Infrastructure Is Still a Hot Investment Spot

情绪和活动正在改善,但仍远低于之前牛市期间的水平。 撰文:Alex Thorn, Gabe Parker 编译:小白导航coderworld...

Why BTC millionaires now prefer to invest in real estate rather than luxury cars

在 Crypto 资产参与度高的地区,房价上涨速度明显快于 Crypto 资产中心较少的地区。 来源:beincrypto 编译:区...

Shinami 在 Aptos 上推出 Gas Credits 计划

小白导航 Shinami 正在将其Gas Station产品带到 Aptos,包括易于使用的 API 和用于跟踪赞助活动的仪表板。 ...

dappOS: Building Windows for the Web3 Era

dappOS使得执行区块链任务变得像点击Windows系统中的图标一样简单。 作者:Biteye 核心贡献者 Fishery 编辑:Bit...

Arthur Hayes' latest article: BTC price fluctuates between $60,000 and $70,000 until August

五月买入,持币等待。 作者:Arthur Hayes 编译:GaryMa 吴说区块链 注:本文是在原文的基础上进行节选编译,可...

Interpretation of the Indian blockchain market: Investment activities are relatively sluggish, and tax reform is the most critical

印度区块链市场目前面临的最关键问题是需要进行全面的税收改革。 撰文:Ryan Yoon & Yoon Lee, Tiger Researc...
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