Do we still need blockchain today? Thinking from the perspective of currency and AI
无论如何,人类将需要区块链。 作者:100y 编译:小白导航coderworld 图中未知部分是否会重新连接并遵循与以...
Vitalik's latest article: Reflections on the Bitcoin Block Size War
大区块派在中心问题上是对的,即区块需要更大,最好通过中本聪描述的简单干净的硬分叉来实现。 作者:Vitalik But...
The coin is about to be issued, a comprehensive interpretation of AO's technical principles and ecological potential
本文将主要介绍AO技术原理和相关生态。 作者:Charlotte, Kevin; Metrics Ventures 1 存储起家,AO助力Arweave重...
CV PAD 将于5月31日开启 TAIKO 早鸟池,认购价较公开轮次低25%(附详细规则和参与方式)
Taiko 是一个创新的以太坊 Layer 2 项目,致力于普及 ZK 技术。 CV Pad 宣布推出独家早鸟池:以太坊最新的扩展解...
1kx Research Report: Evaluating the cost of node operators is the key to the DePIN project
The DePIN founding team must help node operators optimize costs. Author: 1kx Compiler: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld Content Summary Key Points ...
Web3 安全月报 | 5 月钓鱼事件频发,链上工具如何见招拆招?
本月全网累计造成损失约1.4 亿美元,环比4月上升 27.27%。 本月全网安全事件所造成损失环比上升27.27%,钓鱼与诈...
Bitget Research Institute: LUNA rose in the short term due to the settlement with the SEC, and the BTC inscription ecosystem rose generally
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
Trump was convicted of a felony, and the related Meme coin plummeted by more than 30%
69,000 美元是 BTC 的关键位置。 撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews 周四,加密市场整体小幅上涨,比特币在隔夜...
From Token to PointFi: Continuous Optimization and Exploration of Web3 User Incentives
积分制度在实施过程中面临诸多挑战,但通过不断优化和创新,Web3 项目方有望找到更为高效和公平的激励方式。 撰文...
35+ Bitcoin Layer2 Project Inventory: Exploring Innovative Projects and Technological Frontiers
In-depth discussion of multiple innovative Bitcoin Layer2 projects, understanding their technical principles, team background, financing and development roadmap. Written by: Trustless Lab...