
How to use Astar staking to maximize returns | Nanny-level strategy

拆解 Astar质押收益,教你拿到高达 32% 的总 APR(未计算复利的年回报率),和生态项目的潜在空投。 “Astar Dap...

Decrypting the DePIN ecosystem: the transformative power of AI computing

DePIN 是一种新的「共享经济」,是沟通物理世界和数字世界的桥梁。 撰文:@0xFourStones、@cryptoyzr 指导老师:...

贝莱德、富达、摩根大通如何主导 RWA?

‍富达国际最近宣布加入摩根大通的通证化网络。 小白导航 来源:beincrypto 编译:区块链骑士 随着贝莱德(BlackR...

Coinbase's cross-border crypto payment promotional video shows the recent growth of the stablecoin market, institutional promotion and future prospects

稳定币正在成为越来越受欢迎的数字货币形式,到 2025 年底,稳定币将占全球 100 万亿美元电子货币市场的「越来越大的一部分」。 ...

代币发行新变式:Lumoz 如何从当前节点售卖大战中脱颖而出?

为何近期不少技术背景俱全的项目方都对节点售卖情有独钟呢? 撰文:Joe@Go2Mars 上个月,Lumoz 宣布完成新一轮战...

stETH thinks: What are the deep advantages of dominance?

Lido 协议由 Lido DAO 管理,通过分配 ETH 和 stETH 奖励,stETH 作为最流动和广泛使用的质押代币,提供低风险和高回报,并在中心化交易所中流动性增长。 ...

The world's largest Web3 gaming exhibition opens in Taiwan! GEDA Esports and the Asia Blockchain Summit join forces to celebrate

由 GEDA Esports 和亚洲区块链峰会(ABS)联合举办的 ABS2024 Game Zone 游戏展,将于 8 月 6 日至 8 日在台北南港展览馆举行。 ...

Bitget Research Institute: Top projects continue to issue tokens to absorb liquidity, and the market continues to fall

In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...

How does AO build a decentralized computing network for AI Agents?

本文从网络架构以及特性方面,解读 AO 如何打造适用于 AI Agent 的去中心化计算网络。 撰文:Trustless Labs 无...

Bull market gone? Don’t panic, these plots in the second half of 2024 are still worth looking forward to

这些积极指标显示加密牛市还将持续。 撰文:Terry,白话区块链 近两个月来,虽然 meme、头部项目 Airdrop 的热...
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