
Exclusive interview with Sasha, founder of Notcoin: It’s no longer just a game, it’s a community and culture, and point-to-point games that try to copy usually fail

Sasha 表示,单纯复制别人的游戏玩法其实是很难成功的。 撰文:Weilin,PANews 「Tap to earn」类点赚游戏无疑是...

UDC Conference, Upbit Coin Listing Ambush Guide

上币命中率 70%,UDC 大会项目一览。 撰文:Shaofaye123,Foresight News 随着市场的走强,Upbit 上新的财富效应...

Hack VC: Is modularity a mistake? A data-driven look at Ethereum’s strategy

以太坊这轮周期的表现不如比特币和 Solana 等主流币。 撰文:Alex Pack、Alex Botte,Hack VC 合伙人 编译:Yang...

WOO X Research: BTC explodes, is there another alt season in this round?

BTC 独强,市占率为三年半以来新高。 11 月 13 日比特币冲上 92000 美元,加密货币总市值达 3 兆 2000 万美元,双...

New thinking on the 2024 crypto bull market: Traditional top signals have become invalid, and key indicators come from those who have not yet entered the market

当一个指标变成目标时,它就不再是一个好的指标。 作者:Metaquant 编译:小白导航coderworld 在这个周期中,并...

a16z investors analyze the evolution of stablecoins: the future of stablecoins from 250 years of banking history

稳定币可能会快速重现银行业历史。 作者:Sam Broner 编译:小白导航coderworld 数百万人通过稳定币交易了数万...

The monthly "option storm", why do crypto stocks always fluctuate violently in the middle of the month?

当做市商卖出虚值看涨期权时,他们会通过买入股票来对冲其空头 delta 风险。 作者:Jay 编译:小白导航coderworl...

Huobi HTX launches coin-to-coin exchange function: zero handling fee, one-click operation, easy cryptocurrency conversion

无论是新手还是资深交易者,都能通过火币HTX的币币兑换服务,轻松实现不同加密货币间的无缝兑换。 火币HTX近日宣...

BIT Mining (NYSE: BTCM) Invests in Prosper Native Token to Support New Bitcoin Mining Strategy

Prosper 正与行业内的知名企业合作,以获取管理挖矿算力所需的各种服务和产品,确保达到机构级别的执行标准。 作...

Crypto Morning News: Binance will list Usual on Launchpool, and Movement mainnet may be launched soon

Coinbase 重回美国苹果应用商店前十,金融类别排名第一。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市场动态 宾夕法尼亚...
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