Consensus 2025 Featured Side Events: Communicate with Crypto Leaders Up Close
提前规划行程,抢先报名热门活动,把握每一次社交与合作的可能性。 活动亮点 与行业大咖面对面交流– 参加顶级...
Did the new players attracted by TRUMP lose money or gain money?
川普币发行的第 30 天,那些被深套的币圈新人们还好吗? 作者:Jaleel 加六 时间倒回 1 月 17 日,距离美国新一...
For those of you who are confused in the bear market: Make good use of leverage thinking to build an "anti-fragile" life
所谓“杠杆”,可以是资金、技术、品牌、网络效应,甚至是团队管理。 作者:Route 2 FI 编译:小白导航 coderworld...
Focusing on Allora’s structure and vision: How can blockchain solve the long-tail problem of artificial intelligence?
Allora 旨在实现自我完善的去中心化 AI 基础架构,并支持希望将 AI 安全整合至其服务的项目。 作者:Tranks,DeSp...
YouTuber interviews LIBRA creator: I am also a victim
不是「割韭菜」,而是赶走其他狙击手的计划失败。 原文采访:Coffeezilla,YouTuber 、加密货币记者; 嘉宾:Hay...
Huobi HTX released its January security report, sending more than 380,000 security reminders to users
1月期间,火币HTX通过多种形式累计向用户发送380,003次安全提醒,帮助用户快速识别并应对潜在风险。 近日,火币HT...
From transactions to audits, here are 10 noteworthy Cookie DeFAI hackathon projects
此次黑客松共有 80 多个项目提交,涵盖 6 个竞争性垂直领域,共计 18 个项目获奖。 作者:0xJeff, 加密 KOL 编译...
Crypto Morning News: Binance is asking whether to list Pi Network, Zhu Su says it’s time to go all-in on Ethereum
LIBRA“跑路”丑闻或抑制山寨币和 Meme 币行情,期权市场观望政策变化。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市场动态 ...
Getting rich quickly does not mean success. The one who can hold on to his chips when leaving the market is the real winner.
致富只是第一步。 作者:Loopify 编译:小白导航 coderworld 在追求财富的道路上,最终结果才是最重要的。 ...
"Snake-like Movement" Doubles Wealth: A Guide to Crypto Feng Shui in 2025
Using the "wisdom of our ancestors" to interpret investment trends, should we avoid risks or seize opportunities? Even the most market-savvy analysts find it difficult to do so...