
Clear the fog, recharge your faith, and start your crypto journey in the second half of 2024

In 2024, the outlook for the digital asset market is good, but regulation and liquidity remain the main challenges. Written by: FELIX HARTMANN Translated by: Kate, ...

Counting the history of Bitcoin billionaires, revealing the secrets of a new round of wealth

福布斯亿万富豪实时排行榜中,有 15 位富豪的财富主要源自加密货币领域。 撰文:Daniel Phillips & Ali Shutl...

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives: Stablecoins can help the United States avoid a debt crisis

美元稳定币可能会成为美国国债的最大购买者之一。 撰文:Paul D. Ryan,美国众议院前议长、Paradigm 政策委员会成...

Pantera Research: Crypto Users Are Impatient, Instant Gratification Outweighs Future Gains

研究揭示了加密货币用户倾向于急躁和偏好即时满足而非未来收益。 作者:PAUL VERADITTAKIT 编译:小白导航coderw...

From $JENNER to $MOTHER, why does Meme coin stand firm?

Memecoin 成功的最重要因素是强大的社区。 作者:Min Jung 编译:小白导航coderworld 摘要 在Solana上,得...

Coinbase Summit Notes: Why are institutional investors so confident in cryptocurrencies?

如果不购买加密货币,就相当于做空市场。 作者:Yano 编译:小白导航coderworld 在 Coinbase State of Crypto ...

The J-Curve Rule of Crypto Investment: Maximizing Gains When Enthusiasm Fades

小白导航 如果您不是一名经验丰富的狙击手,那么这篇短文就是为您准备的。 作者:IT4I ᵍᵐ 编译...

Dovey Wan’s new article: Tokens are a financialized belief system

价格永远是叙述的主导。 作者:Dovey Wan 编译:小白导航coderworld 代币代表了一种金融化的信念系统,其中代...

The Dark Forest strikes again, Huobi HTX sets high standards for "involution" safety standards

火币 HTX 的主动安全防控不是危险的终小白导航点,而是安全的起点。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 在《三体》中,...

Full text of He Yi Community Exchange: Talking about the contradictions of listing high FDV projects, the standards for removing zombie coins, etc.

Recently, Binance has exceeded 200 million registered users, and held an AMA for this. Binance co-founder He Yi answered questions such as the coin theft incident, the contradiction of FDV's large project listing, and the standards for removing zombie coins. ...
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