The script for July has been written. How will Bitcoin make a comeback?
宏观预期或转好,以太坊 ETF 将为加密市场带来新增资金。 撰文:Asher Zhang,比推 笔者预计比特币在 7 月上旬...
The first official industry report on Web3.0 in Shanghai is released: a multi-strong pattern has emerged in the world, and an innovative regulatory system is recommended
被调研公司对中国大陆地区出台明确的 Web3.0 支持政策抱有期待,「有明确政策导向资金才会支持 Web3.0 初创企业,企业合规成本也会大大降低。」 ...
Powell is "tight-mouthed" about the timing of the rate cut, and employment data stirs the market
6.5 万美元成为比特币的阻力位。 撰文:Mary Liu,比推 BitpushNews 周二,加密货币市场处于窄幅波动模式。比特...
The elephant in the room: exploring the development and future potential of the TON ecosystem
TON 与 Telegram 的结合,将有机会打造一个 Web2 通往 Web3 的接口,重塑 Web3 世界格局。 撰文:Trustless Labs ...
How did Sentient raise $85 million in seed round financing?
通过 AI 开放、货币化、忠诚模型,让 Open AI 击败 OpenAI,三分钟速读 Sentient。 撰文:Karen,Foresight News ...
从 pSTAKE 解读 BTCFi 的窘境与未来
pSTAKE 携手 Babylon,能否解锁 BTC 流动性新纪元? 撰文:十四菌 1.背景 由于 Ordinals 协议和 BRC-20 标准的...
收购加密交易所背后,日本巨头索尼在 Web3 下怎样一盘棋?
随着区块链技术的发展迭代,尤其是与娱乐产品密切相关的元宇宙、NFT 的兴起,索尼也开始向 Web3 领域谨慎探索和扩张。 ...
Bitget Research Institute: BTC failed to break through $64,000 and continued to pull back. Ethereum ETF is unlikely to have a wealth effect before the market passes
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
Forbes: Why Bitcoin mining companies will become AI concept stocks?
凭借电力资源和设备优势,一些加密矿企正在 AI 热潮中大展拳脚。 撰文:Nina Bambysheva,福布斯 编译:Luffy,F...
Playing with coins is playing with attention, and crypto products are gradually moving closer to SocialFi
SocialFi 平台将用户从被动消费者转变为积极参与者,成为新的注意力商人。 作者:MASON NYSTROM 编译:小白导航c...