Dialogue with Movement Co-founder: Move language has great potential. How to seek differentiation in the saturated L2 market?
7月份对 Movement 来说是一个重要的月份,他们将推出首个高吞吐量的以太坊 Rollup 测试网。 整理 & 编译:小...
Boshi HashKey Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs both top the Asian market
小白导航 香港虚拟资产ETF双料王的冠军之路。 香港,2024年7月5日 - 昨日,博时 HashKey虚拟...
How Web3 can attract hundreds of millions of users: Morph's "consumer-centric" L2 incremental solution
从 OG、巨鲸到普罗大众的消费者,Morph 给出了 Web3 迈向亿级用户的新密码。 过去 5 年,全球范围内最成功的加...
BTC is in the 5-digit range again after two months. What happened to the market? Is there still hope for a bull market?
如果历史重演,多头可能在夏末之前驱逐空头。 作者:Gargoyle 编译:小白导航coderworld 为什么会出现 $BTC 抛...
a16z Bootcamp: Uncovering the Accelerated Growth Path of Blockchain Innovators
内容如何在互联网上传播?人们如何因此获得报酬? 撰文:Joel Khalili 编译:比推 BitpushNews an 在三月一个多...
How do Web3 job recruitment platforms solve legal compliance issues?
Web3 求职招聘平台在全球范围内运营时,需要遵守不同国家和地区的法律法规,包括数据保护法、广告法等。 撰文:曼...
The protocol is valued at $1 billion. Here are 10 of the best channels in the Farcaster ecosystem
「在大大的频道里发呀发呀发,多多的空投或许明天到你家。」 撰文:Wenser,Odaily 星球日报 5 月,去中心化社交...
Galaxy Digital Q2 Crypto Venture Capital Report: The rebound is still continuing, but there is still a gap with the previous bull market
相较于第一季度比特币和流动性加密货币的强劲表现,第二季度的市场略有降温,但与去年同期相比仍有显著增长。 撰...
Restoring the truth of the market crash: the German government continues to sell off, and Mentougou adds fuel to the panic atmosphere
门头沟已于今日开始小额测试转账,德国政府过去半月抛售近 1 万枚 BTC。 撰文:1912212.eth,Foresight News 比...
Review of WELL3’s strange opening: tokens cannot be claimed, but the secondary market price fell by more than 60%
代币领取一再推迟,部分代币解锁需要 2 年,各类用户集体被埋。 撰文:Asher,Odaily 星球日报 原定于第一季度发...