The most active community produces the most disappointing Launchpad. What did Jupiter do wrong?
In order to restore value, finding consensus in the community seems to be the standard answer for crypto projects. Written by: Lucy, BlockBeats Edited by: Jack, Block...
Interview with Arca Chief Investment Officer Jeff Dorman: The price of coins is discounted, is now a good time to buy at the bottom?
Jeff Dorman dives into the factors behind the crash, the macroeconomic impact, and why he remains optimistic amid the market downturn. Compiled by:...
拉盘,Meme 币最朴素的宣传方式
选择优质Meme币的标准很简单:只要上线中心化交易所,那就值得买! 刷到一张图,震惊我半年。 这是一张某家...
Jupiter founder: 3 elements + 1 characteristic = formula for building a successful community
加密货币更有价值的关键是以人为本质的「社群」。 撰文:Ting,动区动趋 BlockTempo Solana 知名 DeFi 聚合器 Ju...
Market volatility cannot hide the influx of funds: ETF giants quietly absorb a large amount of Bitcoin and Ethereum
这些每日两位数的市场调整为全球最大资产管理公司的客户提供了有利的入场点。 作者:Kairos Research 编译:小白...
Meme 交易指南:根据资金大小设定策略,及时出场避免收益付诸东流
争取 2-4 倍的回报,迅速退出。 作者:INSIGHTFUL 编译:小白导航coderworld 前言 在这个牛市中, Meme 代币仍...
Justin Sun's message to Huobi HTX on its 11th anniversary: A living fossil in the cryptocurrency world that has survived the bull and bear markets, we want to be the exchange with the best user experience
未来,火币HTX还将用更出色的成绩回报用户,正如孙宇晨所说,做币圈的“百年老店”。 北京时间8月7日晚,火币HTX全...
2024 年第三季度加密市场展望:上升趋势仍在继续, ETF 显著提升 BTC 需求
当 MVRV 比率找到支撑(不低于)时,通常是购买的好时机。目前,MVRV 比率已从支撑位反弹,表明上升趋势仍在继续。 ...
The market plummeted at the beginning of August. Did the yen arbitrage cause the collapse of global assets? What will happen next?
本文将对此次市场大崩盘进行梳理与解读。 加密市场的周一85大暴跌让大多数人感到措手不及,相比前段时间的门头沟...
YAWN launches Meme token, embedded in $1 billion ecosystem and e-commerce system
YAWN’s World 是一个开创性的 meme 代币,嵌入在一个十亿美元的生态系统中,将加密货币创新与电子商务相结合。 作...