A brief discussion on the reflexivity of the market: a self-fulfilling prophecy of investment
市场并不是简单地遵循客观规律,而是被投资者的主观意识和预期所左右。 我们聊到价值投资时有这么一种情况:当投...
Huobi HTX and TradingView reach strategic cooperation to open a new era of crypto trading
通过此次合作,火币HTX用户将能够直接在TradingView平台上进行加密货币交易,无需跳转至火币HTX网站及应用。 近日...
DeFinance 创始人:是时候让 DeFi 再次伟大了
DeFi 刚刚起步,金融的未来将是去中心化和链上化的。 作者:Arthur Cheong & Eugene Yap 编译:小白导航code...
September blockchain game research report: The industry is recovering, and Telegram games are triggering a boom
一文了解 Telegram 游戏的影响、市场增长和可持续性挑战。 撰文:Stella L 数据来源:Footprint Analytics Games...
Zhang Yufeng, a senior from Shenzhen University, revealed the inside story of his fraud with his real name. More than ten victims were involved and 50 million yuan in fraudulent donations became his endorsement.
为了避免更多人受骗,张宇峰深圳大学学长黄乙峰决定站出来,实名揭露这一「职业骗子」。 撰文:Colin Wu,吴说区...
Fed up with your portfolio’s underperformance? Crypto VC giant Paradigm is developing Layer2
Paradigm 宣布向 Ithaca 投资 2000 万美元,致力于构建名为 Odyssey 的 Layer2 区块链。 撰文:Frank,PANews 10...
VISA report interpretation | Great power game: Stablecoins are penetrating the global economy
2024 年 9 月,VISA 发布了一份关于稳定币的报告,深入分析了稳定币在新兴市场中的渗透情况。 编译:树图区块链研...
Unichain:Uniswap 会再次推动行业崛起吗?
Unichain 引领 DeFi 新纪元。 撰文:Heecha小白导航ng、Dan Elitzer 编译:Block unicorn 2022 年,Dan Elitzer...
OKX obtains Dubai VARA license, OKX Ventures partner Jeff Ren talks about future investment strategy
OKX通常被视为一个中心化平台,但该公司坚持积极支持去中心化理念。 2024 年 10 月 10 日,OKX Ventures 合伙人 J...
A Panoramic Interpretation of the Latin American Cryptocurrency Market: Growth Drivers, Institutional Recovery, and Innovation Paths in the Face of Economic Turmoil
阿根廷是拉丁美洲接收加密货币价值最高的国家,约为 911 亿美元,略高于巴西的 903 亿美元。 撰文:Chainalysis ...