Trump VS Harris, how should US stock investors deal with the election market?
华尔街全面押注的「特朗普交易」,是否会迎来新局面? 撰文:RockFlow 划重点 ① 自 1901 年以来标普 500 指数的...
Vitalik enters "pre-war mode" and frequently interacts with the community to respond to questions
Vitalik Buterin 解释,以太坊基金会希望避免在有争议硬分叉发生的情况下,被迫做出「官方选择」。 撰文:James,...
Denmark plans to introduce unrealized capital gains tax on cryptocurrencies: strategic intentions and potential impacts
如果丹麦将这一税收建议落地,开始溯及既往地征收加密货币未实现资本利得,将一石激起千层浪,具有开创性的意义。 ...
Is the AI track about to get rid of the hype stage? Inventory of Web3 AI Agent projects
AI Agent 是什么?当中又有哪些值得关注的项目? 撰文:WOO 背景:AI 赛道比迷因还迷因 AI 一直以来都被视为是...
The promises and pitfalls of Meme religion: When AI becomes a god, wealth becomes faith
Meme 宗教是一种源于绝望、希望和贪婪的数字信仰。 作者:hitesh.eth 编译:小白导航coderworld 互联网催生了...
Polymarket betting frenzy: Trump wins, market consensus or public opinion manipulation?
Polymarket 上的预测与全国民意调查结果大相径庭。 撰文:Kyle Chayka 编译:比推 BitpushNews Yanan 想象一下...
In the 10 billion "cryptocurrency" money laundering case, can BlueSky Green's fundraising funds really be recovered?
非吸遇上洗钱,蓝天格锐扑朔迷离。 撰文:肖飒 lawyer 今年 5 月时候飒姐团队曾写过两篇蓝天格锐案主犯钱某某在...
Do you suspect that there are people behind AI agents? The only way from issuing Meme coins to full AI
谁能想到,这种融合竟然从一个名为 $GOAT 的 AI meme 币开始的? 作者: Johnson Lai 编译:小白导航coderworld ...
Crypto Morning News: TIA, OP, SUI and other tokens will be unlocked in large amounts this week, and the US election may cause drastic market fluctuations
大选或引发市场剧烈波动,计票延迟成关键风险因素。 作者:小白导航 coderworld 昨日市场动态 数据:TIA、OP、...
Stablecoins: The Currency Upgrade
稳定币正在成为重塑全球金融和商业的数字货币。 撰文:Peter Schroeder 编译:LlamaC 「推荐寄语:本文清晰阐述...