Stargate Finance: Crossing the blockchain to achieve unlimited liquidity
Stargate Finance 旨在作为区块链和去中心化应用程序(DApps)之间的桥梁。 撰文:茶馆小二儿 1. 项目简介 Star...
A look at the price performance of 11 airdropped tokens after they were launched this year
JTO、ENA、JUP 表现突出,分别上涨了 149%、73% 和 51%。 撰文:Defi_Mochi、Stacy Muur,加密研究员 编译:Feli...
Cobo: New economics script after BTC halving
未来比特币真正回报将来自将其作为投资资产,投资于 L2、DeFi、CeFi 等生态项目,持币人将从中获得收益,这将成为比特币生态的重要发展趋势。 ...
In-depth study of Mind Network: When fully homomorphic encryption meets Restaking, the consensus security of encrypted AI projects is within reach
走进 Mind Network,了解这个集AI、Restaking和全同态加密等热点叙事于一身的潜力项目。 撰文:小白导航 coderwor...
Mastering Narrative Trading: A Complete Guide from Trend Spotting to Profitable Strategies
时间就是金钱,如何先人一步抓住叙事炒作。 作者:The DeFi Investor 编译:Ismay 编者按:加密研究员 The DeFi...
Why did 140,000 Bitcoins transfer out of the Mentougou address?
推迟数年后,门头沟事件或将迎来终局。 撰文:Joyce 今日,破产十年的交易所 Mt.Gox(门头沟)账户地址突然出现...
Forbes interviews former CFTC chairman: Cryptocurrency will eventually return to the throne in the United States
Christopher Giancarlo 认为,美国抵制加密货币创新的堤坝即将崩溃。 撰文:Steven Ehrlich,福布斯 编译:Luffy...
Can Base challenge Solana's dominance as a meme coin?
Solana 通过技术进步、空投和社区支持建立了多元化和繁荣的生态系统,而 Base 则更专注于加密货币用户。 撰文:Da...
Why will parallelization be the next generation blockchain solution?
计算机的历史告诉我们,随着时间的推移,并行系统往往比顺序系统更有效和可扩展。 撰文:Paul Timofeev、Mike Jin...
Dialogue with Taiko: What is a multi-proof route? How is it related to the finality of Ethereum?
主网上线前陷空投风波,Taiko 是否还值得关注? 撰文:LINDABELL 5 月 23 日,Taiko 公布了首轮空投查询页面,但...