Opinion: Crypto projects need to demonstrate meaningful progress and appeal, not just sell dreams
资本和注意力会集中在有用、令人渴望和引人入胜的事物上。 小白导航 作者:Joel John 编译:小白导航coderworld ...
HTX Ventures announces investment in NexGami to grow GameFi ecosystem
NexGami 在 5 月底推出了其 $NEXG 代币,该代币将在火币HTX上线交易。 近日,加密货币交易所火币HTX 的全球投资部...
Awakening the billions of dormant BTC: asset management and interest-bearing investment
无论是 BTC LRT、CeDeFi 还是 DeFi,Cobo MPC 解决方案都为比特币持有者开辟了多条高回报且风险可控的收益途径,最大化释放了比特币内在价值。 小白导航 ...
Redefining Web3 projects and Token-market-fit from a user perspective
In this playground where everything is accelerated, attention is a scarce resource. Written by: IOSG Ventures Over the past few months, I have been working with dozens of...
Bankless: Can Bitcoin break new all-time highs?
加密资产在周末停滞后一夜间上涨,但美国市场开盘后上涨停止。 撰文:Jack Inabinet,Bankless 编译:Kate,火星...
Roaring Kitty is once again a hot topic in the market. Here are the top ten memes related to it.
Roaring Kitty 连续两日发布 GME 仓位截图,监管开始出手调查,相关话题或将持续发酵。 撰文:南枳,Odaily 星球...
Bitget Research Institute: The blockchain gaming sector began to rise, and the rune leader DOG hit a new high
In the past 24 hours, many new popular currencies and topics have emerged in the market, and it is very likely that they are the next opportunity to make wealth. Written by: Bitget Research Institute Summary...
The first ERC-1919 token, how to play AIR on Base?
ERC-1919 可改进荷兰式拍卖与节点销售。 撰文:0xJermo 编译:Peng Sun,Foresight News Degen 就是 Degen,但...
Viewpoint: Why are there so many L2s emerging in the market?
未来将继续看到 L2s 实现更低的费用、更快的出块时间和更优化的体验。 撰文:cygaar,Mocavers 顾问 编译:Felix...
Uniswap voting delayed, are token holders reduced to second-class citizens?
代币持有者并不总是有最终决定权。 撰文:Daniel Kuhn,CoinDesk 编译:五铢,金色财经 Uniswap 基金会宣布推迟...