Gravity: Unveiling the Ultimate Holy Grail of Chain Abstraction
This article demonstrates the future potential of the Gravity chain to be launched by Galxe from the perspective of the metaphor of chain as city, and analyzes the emerging concept and existing problems of "chain abstraction". ...
ZKsync is willful, airdrops enter an era of no rules
Star project owners seem to have begun to regard airdrops as a power to allocate resources, which they can use arrogantly without bearing the consequences. Airdrops are no longer a mutual fulfillment between community users and project owners. ...
The ZKsync airdrop was found to be tricky. There were 12,000 uninteracted addresses but there was an airdrop?
没有交易的 12,725 个钱包似乎也符合空投资格。 撰文:Crypp,加密 KOL 编译:Felix,PANews 编者按:加密 KOL ...
A new perspective on the misunderstood SEC Chairman Gary Gensler
Gensler 或许有阵营、私心、外界压力甚至利益,但加密世界融入主流的进程确实在加快。 撰文:夫如何,Odaily 星球...
Smart Money Tracking on the Chain: Top 10 Meme Coin PVP Masters Addresses and Their Records
有人全身而退,有人纵横江湖,还有人删号离场。致胜法门,唯快不破。 撰文:Wenser,Odaily 星球日报 自 3 月份 ...
Spontaneous combustion, violence, and nudity? Meme Coin live broadcast room staged an air carnival
Meme 币也开始直播喊单了。 撰文:陀螺财经 对于大众而言,直播电商已然成为了一个非常普遍的购物渠道,更具直观...
Ethereum researcher and a16z researcher co-authored: Block space allocation mechanism
区块空间分配机制如何影响 MEV? 撰文:mike,太坊研究员;Pranav Garimidi、Tim Roughgarden,a16z 研究员 编译...
How to “save” the ZKsync airdrop?
The initial share allocated to "users" is set at 20.3% and adopts a points system similar to Arbitrum. Written by: CC2 Ventures Compiled by: Felix, PAN...
A “routine” operation to withdraw cryptocurrency liquidity turned out to be a scam
虚拟货币发行商进行「流动性撤回」(也被称为「Rug Pull」)是一种高度争议的行为。 撰文:黄鹏、毛捷豪,上海曼...
Three arrows are launched at the same time. Understand the Chromia incentive testing plan in one article
Chromia 近日宣布正式启动激励测试计划,激励测试计划是主网发布的重要一步,参与者可以在为网络安全做出贡献的同时赢取奖励。 ...