
Viewpoint: After $TRUMP, the tokenization wave of traditional giants may explode

当区块链技术的更多可能性被广泛接受时,许多当前缺乏实际价值的代币和项目将会消亡。 作者:Jeff Dorman 编译:...

特朗普家族再整活,“第一夫人币”MELANIA 市值短时破百亿,多个代币细节惹市场争议

这场资金狂潮让加密市场普遍失血严重。 作者:Nancy,PANews 继特朗普亲自下场发行MEME币TRUMP在圈内外引发空前...

Dialogue with the founder of ai16z: How does Agent reshape the future of Web3?

涵盖了从Agent开发框架、代币经济学到开源AGI平台的未来等重要主题。 播客源:Delphi Digital 整理 & 编译:...

Two days before taking office, Trump and his wife made $65 billion from the cryptocurrency world

鹅城的税已经被收到了70年后。 今日凌晨,特朗普的老婆 Melania 也发布了一个自己的同名 meme 币 MELANIA。好消息...

On the eve of taking office, we dig into the changes made by the Trump administration in the crypto sector

以“特朗普加密货币经济框架” 视角,推测美国政治与加密货币发展。 作者:LoongDao 前言 近期,一份据称由特朗普...

America's first sickle? After Trump coin skyrocketed, the First Lady coin was launched

加密货币似乎成了家族生意。 撰文:淑情,华尔街见闻 割韭菜,还得看美国总统一家子? 18 日,就在特朗普真正入...

TRUMP 代币起落后,特朗普总统任期内的 5 大加密预测

特朗普承诺,加密货币将在他的总统任期内成为重点议题。 作者:Duo Nine⚡YCC 编译:小白导航 coderworld 今天早...

Exclusive interview with Solana Foundation Chairman Lily Liu: Building a blockchain ecosystem is like climbing the Tower of Babel

面对「泼天流量」,Solana 官方异常冷静与克制。 受访者:Lily Liu,Solana 基金会主席 采访&撰文:Anderson...

AI is Crypto's agent: The evolution of AI Agents

AI is the agent of Crypto. This is the best commentary on this round of AI boom from the perspective of crypto. Written by: Zuo Ye A work of art is never...

Trumpcoin surges 41,025%, explore how $TRUMP sets off a craze in blockchain

说到加密货币,总是少不了各种爆炸性新闻,但这次特朗普币真的让人眼前一亮。 关键要点 惊人增长:特朗普币短...
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