
Interview with Solana Foundation Chairman Lily Liu: It’s the right time to invest in the Asia-Pacific market. Solana may have a new killer move by the end of the year

熊市是 Builder 最好的时候。 采访,整理:Frank,Foresight News 从华尔街到加密圈,从比特币原教旨主义者到 So...

One Year After the Merger: Where Does Ethereum Stand?

This article will take stock of the various changes that have taken place in the year since the Ethereum merger. The crypto world has developed so fast that Ethereum's merger feels like it has already...

Account Abstact: A sign that the on-chain ecosystem is entering a buyer’s market

本文将介绍账户抽象和ERC-4337,并根据账户抽象的应用与Web2账户体系的发展,推测未来Web3账户体系的演进和流量入口归属。 ...

​2023 Q3 Global Web3 Crypto Industry Regulatory Policies and Events Observation

This article covers the regulatory dynamics and hot events of the crypto industry in the third quarter of 2023. The following are the regulatory policies and event views of the co-authors of the Beosin quarterly report...

Justin Sun: Respect security, user assets are sacred and inviolable

Huobi HTX will take practical actions to ensure that the asset security of platform users remains at the top level in the industry. On September 26, Justin Sun, a member of the Huobi HTX Global Advisory Committee, gave a speech...

A brief analysis of the global regulatory development of virtual assets

本文将从行业观察者的角度梳理2023年最重要趋势的当前进程。 作者:Alfred, LDCapital Crypto 世界的理想状态是...

Dialogue with Token2049 founder Alex: People like to see overnight success, but underestimate the difficulties behind it

我要人们都看到我,但不知道我是谁。 采访:Sunny 编辑:Min & Sunny 前言 “他给你起了名字。你一定很...

Capture the 100x Coin Zero Fund Plan, and count 46 projects worth paying attention to in the bear market

Catching a 100x coin is more about luck, so it is more appropriate to catch it with probability through the fishing net method. Written by: Jonas, Foresight Ventures The story started in the last bear market...

Meet SBF: The Downfall of the Crypto King

Crypto 就像是伊甸园的蛇,引诱人犯下原罪,而 FTX不过是罪恶露出海面的一角冰山。 撰文: 郝方舟 FTX,曾经的加...

Ava Labs: Before competing, let’s make the pie bigger together

Web3 can sometimes feel like an echo chamber. Moderator: Blair Zhu, Mint Ventures Guest: Lydia Chiu, VP of Business Develop...
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