
Gala Games: Blockchain games are experiencing a second spring, how does GALA stand out?

The long-dormant blockchain game track is experiencing a revival. Can $Gala become a value investment target in GameFi? Introduction: The outstanding performance of Bigtime tokens after its launch...

Bull Market Investment Guide: How to use traffic to capture potential projects?

在 Web3 过往历史几乎找不到一个不具备流量,但是默默无闻又诞生造富神话的项目。 撰文:柳叶惊鸿 在Web3圈子,...

MT Capital Insight|Fren Pet: A mining machine game disguised as a pet

Base and Fren Pet complement each other. It is expected that more FrenX will become popular on Base in the future. Author: Severin TL;DR Fren Pet...

The next bull market will be led by NFT applications. NFT Taipei experts reveal: blockchain games, finance, ESG, and the new wave of digital democracy

台湾 2023 最盛大的区块链周 / NFT 嘉年华《NFT Taipei》将于 11/30 - 12/03 于台北松山文创园区登场。 台湾 2023...

From obscurity to DeFi rising star: Pendle’s road to success

Pendle 已经积攒了相当高的 TVL,远高于之前的同类协议,可以讲已经脱离了生死线,希望 Pendle 最终可以验证 PMF ...

CoW Protocol: A potential project with high income expectations and MEV business support

CoWSwap 目前在 DEX 聚合器市场份额仅为 13%,但在过去 12 个月中一直以 70% 的速度增长。 撰写:rbp 编译:小白...

Mining currency exchange SafeTrade "ran away" Rashomon, POW currency fell into liquidity crisis

This exchange, which is named as safe, does not seem to be that safe. Written by: Xiaobai Navigation Coderworld If there is a year-end review, Po...

From BBO to T2T2, one article explains in detail the wealth effect of Bitget Launchpad

在老牌 CEX 之中,Bitget 可以算是名副其实的后起之秀了,那么到底是什么让 Bitget 成为了加密交易所中的一匹黑马呢? ...

Turkey Devconnect Insights: Ethereum’s narrative is old and chaos is the encryption ladder

This industry rises on the border of order and chaos, and moves from anxiety to transparency. Written by: @0x_claudia, PKU Blockchain Vice President * This...

Behind Solana’s Ecosystem Market Value Expansion: Be Wary of TVL-only Investment Orientation

In a typical Uniswap 50/50 liquidity pool, only 50% of hard assets are needed to double the TVL of the DEX. Written by: Defilgnas Compiled by: Xiaobai...
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