
Bitcoin fell below $40,000, and FTX sold its Grayscale GBTC holdings. When will the market rebound?

加密市场并未像先前预测的在现货比特币 ETF 获批后迎来「大牛」,相反却被一股浓重的抛压感侵袭,究竟是什么原因导致了本次颓势行情。 ...

浅析​比特币大跌的 2 个原因

首先,比特币 ETF 的批准是一个「卖出新闻」事件。其次,宏观层面的美元流动性带来的问题。 撰文:秦晋 比特币...

Huobi HTX: A new wealth ecosystem at the beginning of crypto-currency

火币HTX 的 2023 之旅已圆满结束,2024 年将继续服务世界 200 多个国家和地区的数千万用户。 2024 年开端,牛初迹...

Metis 破圈进入 Layer2 前五,揭秘其颠覆性去中心化策略背后的秘密

$METIS 代币的使用性广泛,包括网络费用、节点质押和治理投票等,不仅作为价值标的,同时也为网络发展做出了贡献。 ...

NAVI Protocol: The native token is about to be launched, and it is the leading DeFi protocol with the highest TVL in the Sui ecosystem

聚焦千亿级赛道 LST,原生代币上线在即,助推项目再攀新高。 撰文:小白导航 coderworld 谈及公链生态基石,DeFi...

In-depth analysis of HTX DAO: a new decentralized governance paradigm

HTX DAO的彻底赋能,将真正实现火币HTX交易所的民主化。 去中心化自治组织(DAO)发展至今,为社群集体决策提供了...

Interview with Chen Yuetian of Fire Phoenix Capital: Why haven’t there been any successful blockchain games yet?

We see that Crypto, as a capital market, is very suitable for promoting the circulation and return of capital. At the same time, we also realize that the game team's unfamiliarity with the capital market requires an education process. ...

Exclusive Interview with Phaver: Gaining 250,000 Users and Launching Chinese Version of APP, How Do Web3 Social Applications Grow?

How to understand Phaver's web2.5, and what can it rely on to stand out in Web3 social... Author: PANews, Zen January 18, Web3 social application...

A brief analysis of BRCport: Connecting the ERC20 network, a full-stack infrastructure for the BRC20 world

本文介绍了BRCport项目的项目信息及募资情况,详细分析了项目核心功能。 作者:币酱BitJump 1.基础信息 BRCport...

The development history of Ethereum, Cancun upgrade and other situations

以太坊合并以后,最重要的事情就是提升性能 TPS,降低 Gas fee,让以太坊接近于一个完美的应用。 撰文:Steven,E...
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