
Neutron in-depth analysis: Opening a new era of modular blockchain and building the future DeFi ecosystem

Neutron在其网络上支持的智能合约应用和rollapps可以通过IBC技术在超过50个互联网络中实现扩展。 作者:Greythorn...

Cobo Argus Strategy Weekly Report: Eigenlayer will launch a new round of LST staking activities on the 29th. How to grab the quota first?

Farcaster 迎来首个社区 memecoin—— $DEGEN。 作者:COBO ARGUS 欢迎来到 Cobo Argus 策略周报第 #8期。本期周...

Can the Bitcoin-driven public chain Core become the optimal solution for BTCFi?

Core 链共识机制使用了比特币的 PoW,还将在 Q2 引入比特币质押。 撰文:angelilu,Foresight News 今年比特币刚...

Nocturne announced its suspension. Why is the privacy track so ill-fated?

合规性隐私性的战略推进才好持续落地。 撰文:Haotian 时隔三月,此前 @VitalikButerin 参投的隐私 infra 项目 ...

Behind the new high supply of USDT: the average transfer amount is 7,000 US dollars, gradually becoming the first choice for daily payment and remittance

尽管在中央集权和透明性方面存在有效的担忧,但不应忽视Tether提供的多样化好处。 撰文:Tanay Ved 编译:小白导...

ZKFair Community AMA Highlights: A market value of 10 billion is not a fantasy, but a planned community revolution

链上生态搭建仍然是我们的重中之重。 1月23日,针对近期社区用户的提问,我们组织了一场AMA,ZKFair 社区Mod Yaya...

Korean and Japanese crypto giants Klaytn and Finschia merge their mainnets. How will Asian power affect the global ecosystem?

Klaytn和Finschia在各自的领域都有独特的优势,他们的关系通常被认为是对彼此弱点的补充。 撰文:JAY JO,YOON LE...

Ondo Finance: Successful transformation, TVL ranks among the top three in the RWA track

押注 RWA 获得成功,但未来代币用途依旧迷茫。 撰文:夫如何 RWA(真实世界资产)誉为 DeFi 2.0 开启的关键,但...

Bitget and Messi launch a new brand promotional video with the theme of #MakeItCount

为庆祝梅西新片的上映,Bitget 将于1月23日至1月30日举办一场平台竞赛。 Bitget 与国际足球巨星梅西以 #MakeItCou...

"1.23" fell into a technical bear market, can the crypto market escape the "TradFi curse"?

「马后炮」来看,加密历史上每次 TradFi 里程碑事件,都是市场阶段性见顶的预兆。 撰文:Frank,Foresight News ...
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