AI node pre-sale is hot, an article explains the pledge public chain ALIENX with a total financing of US$17 million
AlienSwap 与 Arbitrum 合作推出 AI Node 驱动的高性能质押链,旨在实现 NFT 和游戏的大规模应用。 撰文:南枳,O...
比特币减半提高了比特币的知名度和采用率,也促进了与区块链技术、比特币网络动态和加密资产相关的讨论。 撰文:B...
TRON x HTX DAO 2024 Hong Kong Night: Building a Hong Kong Metaverse Financial Free Port
HTX DAO、波场TRON作为行业头部机构,期待为更多Web3参与者和创业者提供交流与合作的平台,持续探索香港在加密领域的创新和突破,为全球加密市场的繁荣与发展...
SharkTeam: Web3 Security Report for the First Quarter of 2024
In the first quarter of 2024, hacker attacks, Rugpull scams, phishing attacks and other malicious activities caused a total loss of US$462 million, an increase of approximately 20.63% compared with the first quarter of 2023 (approximately US$383 million). ...
Jupiter: Solana Chain Aggregation Liquidity and DEX Innovation Leader
Jupiter 是 Solana 区块链上的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 聚合器,旨在彻底改变 DeFi 的可访问性和用户体验。 撰文:茶...
The First Principles of the New Web3 Economy
在 Web3 新经济中,所有区块链协议都是开源免费、无需许可和无需信任的。 撰文:HashKey Tokenisation 团队 一、...
Exclusive interview with Saga co-founder Rebecca: Saga's origin, technology, vision and 100+ potential airdrops
Understand Saga's origin, technology, vision and 100+ potential airdrop opportunities in the future. Interview and compilation: Alex Liu, Foresight News Saga is a...
Huobi HTX has updated the Merkle tree reserve certificate for April, 100% is sufficient to protect the security of user assets
火币HTX已更新2024年4月默克尔树资产证明,储备金率均保持在100%以上。 作为行业最早实施储备金证明的交易平台之...
What potential risks does the fully collateralized semi-centralized stablecoin USDe bring?
USDe 的抵押物是加密资产和相应的空头期货头寸的合成资产作为抵押物。 作者:Bewater Giga-Brain、0xLoki 一、US...
Bitcoin spot ETF launched three months ago: a comprehensive analysis of its development status and future impact
比特币的这一波牛市与全球流动性周期以及比特币减半周期保持一致。 撰文:RockFlow 划重点 ① 比特币现货 ETF 问...