Tags:Zero knowledge proof
The "new story" of decentralized computers: Will Quilibrium be the next ICP?
Quilibrium attempts to find a "balance" between the computing power of the traditional Internet and the decentralization of blockchain, and has designed a unique decentralized cloud computing architecture for this purpose. ...
芝加哥 Web3Con 2024:通过 Web3 技术塑造商业和社会的未来
作为芝加哥人工智能周的一项重要活动,它将聚焦Web3技术的最新趋势及其对商业和社会的重大影响。 作者:Web3Con 2...
代币发行新变式:Lumoz 如何从当前节点售卖大战中脱颖而出?
为何近期不少技术背景俱全的项目方都对节点售卖情有独钟呢? 撰文:Joe@Go2Mars 上个月,Lumoz 宣布完成新一轮战...
Bitcoin Ecosystem Milestone: Zulu Implements ZKP Verification Using Bitcoin Script
实现了比特币脚本进行 ZKP,这意味着比特币网络可以对 Layer2 进行验证。 撰文:日月小楚 近期比特币生态中一个...
From theory to practice: Can Based Rollup realize the L1 sorting-driven Rollup solution?
L2网络节点由多个部分组成,其中最重要的是排序器,但目前Rollup的排序器都面临着中心化的问题。 作者:YBB Capit...
Sequoia India led the investment, a three-minute quick look at ZK's new player Mystiko
Mystiko 作为通用 ZK SDK 运行,增强区块链可扩展性、互操作性和隐私性。 撰文:1912212.eth,Foresight News 原...
Mind Network exclusive interview with ZAMA founder Rand Hindi: Building the HTTPZ fully homomorphic encryption era
让我们向我们的终极愿景HTTPZ全加密互联网更进一步! 6月17日晚,Mind Network 邀请到了开源密码学公司 ZAMA 的创...
Lumoz Research Report: Modular chain issuance greatly reduces ZKP computing costs
Lumoz 为 ZK Rollup 提供模块化计算层,采用了 PoS 和 PoW 的混合共识机制。 撰文:ZeY 摘要 1. 以太坊在诞生后...
Bitlayer: Bitcoin Layer2 for the BitVM solution
The core goal of Bitlayer is to solve the trade-off between security and Turing completeness of Bitcoin's layer 2 technology. Written by: Bob Cong Bitlayer is the first...
The future of zkVM, why is it based on RISC-V architecture?
RISC Zero, Succint, Lita, a16z's jolt, are all based on the RISC-V instruction set. What are its advantages? Written by: hyperstructured.greg ...